Vignt Huit

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"Daddy?", Jimin called out peeking his head out of the blanket.

Soft snores were heard from the two men on either side of him.
Mischievous, he climbed on top of Hoseok and bounced on his torso.

"Daddy Hobi~ wakey wakey", Jimin sang into the boy's brown dog ears.

The elder huffed as he turned to his side bringing Jimin down, embracing him tightly and warm.

"No!", Jimin giggled as he wiggled out of the overwhelmingly warm embrace.

"Jimin-ah go back to sleep", Yoongi groaned as he was looking at Jimin who's head popped out behind a sleepy Hoseok.

"But I'm not tired anymore", Jimin pouted as he crawled on top of Yoongi instead.

"Then what does the baby want to do", Yoongi chuckled lazily grabbing the younger's hips.

"I want eat pwease", Jimin babbled as he leaned down and rubbed his cheek against the elder's chest.

Soft vibrations emitted from the blonde and it slowly lulled the elder to sleep before a bounce was felt on his lower body.

"Daddy, Minie eat", Jimin whined as he bounced.

"Alright baby just stop bouncing there ok", Yoongi sighed he sat up and yawned.

Jimin obeyed and climbed off, running out the room.

"Yoongi-ah~ stay", Hoseok mumbled wrapping an arm around the black haired male's waist.

"Aish Hoseok I'll feed Jimin and I'll be back ok sunshine?", Yoongi cooed.

The red head hummed rubbing his cheek against fhe pillow before snoring softly.

Yoongi quickly ran to the main restroom to find Jimin spitting out the toothpaste and washing the excess.

"Yoonie! You wakey now", Jimin cheered as he pounced on the elder.

"Yes baby, what do you want to eat?", Yoongi asked already knowing the answer.

"I want hotteok Yoonie", Jimin giggled as his tail whipped side to side.

"Just say pancakes Jiminie", Yoongi chuckled, "I know what you wanted".

Jimin smiled bashfully before walking out to let the elder do whatever he had to do.

With a tired sigh he didn't bother brushing his teeth and went straight to the kitchen to turn on the stove.

"Why are you up at 7 in the morning anyway angel?", Yoongi spoke softly.

"I'm hungry", Jimin answered as his ears twitched.

"Your ears are twitching Jimin, what happened?", Yoongi smirked.

'Stupid ears' , Jimin thought.

"I had a bad dream", Jimin sighed, "But it's just a dream".

"You want to tell Yoonie? I'm hear if you want to tell me", Yoongi cooed as he layed a plate with pancakes on the table and two extra for both of them.

"O-Ok", Jimin nodded as he stood from his chair and took as seat on Yoongi's lap while serving himself two pancakes, "It was about my master".

Yoongi hummed, insinuating to continue.

"An-and he took me away", Jimin stuttered as he shook in fear.

Yoongi's heart stopped for a brief second before he smiled softly.

"Don't worry my angel, he won't get you", Yoongi reassured, "We're here and we'll protect you".

'It's just a dream, right?'

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