The Legit Hugger

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"There you guys are" said Sasha.
"What took you so long?" said Bayley. Both of them coming towards us.
"The fashion police" said Dean.
"Hi, I'm Carmen and he wanted me to come in a dress and heels" I said pointing at Dean. They both laughed.
"Hey I'm Mercedes and this is Pam, but you can still call us by our ring names Sasha and Bayley" said Sasha.
"Can I get a hug?" asked Bayley.
"Yeah, I've always wanted a hug from Bayley" I said as we hugged each other, "I'm also a hugger" I said to her.
"Alright before we start, did Alexis dress you up" said Sasha.
"Oh, yeah" I said looking down at the Little Miss Bliss shirt "she let me borrow her clothes"
"Enough chit chat, it's 10:30, we'll work out until 12:00, then we'll get lunch, after Bayley and Sasha will take Carmen shopping,and we'll all meet back at the arena at 3:00 to go talk to Mr. McMahon" said Roman picking up some weights.
"Come on Carmen, we're going to warm up first"said Bayley.
We warmed up for an hour. 15 push-ups, 25 sit-ups, 20 pull-ups and I lifted 10 pounds in weights.
"Ok, it's 11:30 we have 30 minutes to teach you the basics of wrestling" said Sasha.
"Ok, when the bell rings, you want to do your best to weaken your opponent" said Roman. He, Dean and Seth were at ring side and Sasha was in the corner.
"You want to either punch or kick or-"
"Spit" interrupted Dean.
"No" said Roman
"Ok, try it with Bayley" said Sasha.
I looked at Bayley.
"Don't be afraid, this is what I did for a living every day, go ahead" said Bayley.
"Ok" I said, Seth rang the bell.
I punched Bayley twice and then kicked her behind the legs. She dropped to her knees as I begun to kick her back.
Seth rang the bell and I stopped.
"Not bad" said Roman.
"Yeah, not bad at all" said Sasha.
"Are you alright Bayley?" I said helping her up.
"I'm ok" she said rubbing her back, "that was really good".
"Thanks" I said "was it really, though?"
"Yeah, if you do that to your opponents, your for sure going to dominate the whole match... and win" said Seth.
"We should give them a name, as soon as Vince gives you your character name" said Dean "have you ever thought of a name?"
"Well, people say I look like a Willow" I said.
"Hmm, you kinda do" said Sasha looking at me.
"Yeah" everyone else agreed shaking there head.
"We'll suggest it to Vince and see what he thinks" said Roman.
"Ok let's get back to practicing " said Seth.
"Ok Carmen, Bayley let you attack her, but a real match it won't be so easy, try attacking her again, but this time, Bayley attack back" instructed Sasha.
Seth rang the bell again.
I tried to hit Bayley again, but she moved out of the way causing me to run to the ropes and bounce back. She knocked me down and twisted my right arm back. I was in pain but I didn't want to give up. So with great difficulty, I got up to my feet. Bayley still had my arm twisted back so punched her in the stomach serval times before she let my arm go. I then pushed her into the barricade face first.
"Bayley, are you ok?" I said going over to check on her.
*Ding* Seth rang the bell.
"Yeah I'm ok, my head hurts a little, but I'll be fine" said Bayley rubbing the side of her face then her nose.
"Are you sure you've never wrestled before?" asked Roman.
"No" I said helping Bayley up.
"You're a natural"said Seth.
"I guess it comes from watching all of you guys wrestle for 4 years" I said.
"You'll make a great addition to the roster"said Sasha.
"Yeah, yeah, she's great and all but it's 12:03 I'm hungry let's go eat"said Dean.
"Ok, ok, Carmen you are going to be great in WWE" said Bayley giving me a hug.
"Hopefully we get to train again" said Sasha.
"Yeah, next time it'll be you, Sasha" I said as I got out of the ring.
"I'll be ready" said Sasha, we both laughed.
"Where are we going?" I asked as we headed outside.
"We're going to an Italian restaurant somewhere around here" said Seth.
"Bayley says it's good" said Dean.
"It's the best I've ever tried" said Bayley.
"Can I ride with Bayley and Sasha?"  I asked Roman.
"No" he said.
"Why not?" I whined looking up at him.
"Cause your our responsibility" he said "your going shopping with them later".
"Fine" I said as I got inside the car.

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