Monday Night RAW: Willow's Debut

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I'm going to put commentary in bold.

I was now excited to perform. I smiled and waved as I went down the stairs. I saw people give me looks, looks of 'who is she?' and 'what is she doing here?', but I just ignored those looks and happily waved at them.

"It's The Shield here in Indianapolis, but who is that with them?" said Michael.
"It looks like a girl she can't be much older than ten" said Corey.

We reached the bottom of the stairs. I did my moonsault over the barricade and climbed the stairs into the ring.
Roman, Seth, and Dean got mics and I walked around the ring waving at every single face I saw.
"How's Indianapolis doing tonight?!" I heard Seth say. And people cheered back.
I continued to wave. That was when Dean pulled me aside and we played pat-it-cake.
"You might noticed that we have someone with us" said Roman,
"Indianapolis and everyone watching on TV" said Seth
"This is our creation" said Roman looking at me, he noticed that I was playing and pulled me to him.
"Everyone this is our creation" said Dean. I waved.
"Woah woah woah, Dean buddy concentrate we all ready said that" said Seth.
"You did?" said Dean "oh well continue"
Wow great improv skills they have, I thought.
"You see" said Roman "we've defeated every single man in that locker room"
"Yeah we've dominate the men's roster from Samoa Joe to Braun Strowman-" said Seth
"Which by the way Roman is going to do again later on tonight" interrupted Dean.
The crowd cheered.
"The point is" said Seth "that we've faced everyone"
"And that got us thinking" said Dean "we haven't dominated the women's division"
"Now we haven't dominated the woman for obvious reasons" said Seth
"Yeah, that is why we created Willow" said Roman "Willow Wyder"
"We put all of our knowledge in to Willow" said Seth "she's trained with the best and by the best we mean us, of course"
"She's us... well smaller and more prettier us" said Dean.
"And she will dominate the women's division, she will represent The Shield" said Roman "she will crush anyone who walks in through that ramp, so who's it going to be ladies? Who want s to be the first to-"
Kurt's music interrupted Roman.

"You suck!" The crowd chanted and I chanted with them.
When the music stopped Dean said "Kurt, your not technically from the woman's roster buuuuut, I'm pretty sure Willow can still take you on"
I shook my head 'yes'.
"No, no I'm here to introduce myself to Willow" Kurt said "my name is Kurt Angle, and let me also be the first to introduce you to your opponent"
He motioned to the entrance and Alexa's music hit.

WHAT! I yelled in my mind, but my face was still smiling, I can't believe it was her and she didn't tell me! But remember this isn't Alexis, this is Alexa Bliss.
"I see you have a tutu and pigtails, you know what you reminds me of" said Alexa Bliss "you remind me of my weak self before I become a goddess"
I grabbed the mic from Roman "come in the ring and I'll show you who's weak" I said.
"Are you ready to face her?" Roman asked me.
"Of course" I said.
I took off my tutu and shirt to reveal my gear.
Roman and Seth stayed at ring side with me. And Dean went to the commentary with Corey, Michael, and The Coach.

"Oh it looks like Dean Ambrose is joining us on commentary" said Michael.
"That's right it's the Lunatic Fringe live and in person" said Dean.
"So who is this Willow Wyder, Dean?" asked Corey.
"Well Corey..."

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