Breaking Christmas News

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Hello my beautiful readers!!!! Hey I'm not dead! I'm still here! But anyway, I haven't been writing cause after the last chapter I was like... Ok now what? I couldn't decide whether to write Monday Night Raw or just skip it to the secret Santa. But I finally decided on how to write this chapter and it's a good one, lots of events happening. Also it's already Christmas in my story, I wish I wrote this like around December but that's just the speed my story is going at, so yeah sorry guys! Anyway just wanted to let you know why I wasn't on here for like 2 weeks but, I'm back!(hit Paige's music) Anyway on to the chapter!
1 Phillip Dr, Georgia

"Well I'd better give this back" I said as I finished playing the last few cords to Feliz Navidad on Elias's guitar.
He let me borrow his guitar for a while, and I was playing for Sasha, Bayley and Nia in catering.
"Hey have you seen this report?" said Nia showing me her phone.
The screen showed a Bleacher Report page with the headline being "WWE's newest and cutest 'it' couple" and below was a picture of me and Sami having coffee last week.
"Ugh, seriously?" I said, "where were they when I was on all those dates Finn took me to?"
"That's why social media is not our friend" said Sasha, "they're always posting fake news"
I laughed, "yeah, I'll go return this, our match is after this"
I walked through the arena trying to find Elias.
"Hey have you seen Elias" I asked Apollo Crews.
"I think he has his own locker room today" he said.
"Great, thanks" I said and wandered around aimlessly untill I bumped into someone I wasn't expecting to see.
Triple H.
I've been meaning to talk to him about Jenny, we're still in touch.
"Hi, um, Hunter?" I said more like a question than a greeting.
"Oh hey Willow right? Been wanting to meet you ever since Vince hired you" he said shaking my tiny hand compared to his huge one.
"You play?" he asked nodding at the guitar in my hand.
"Oh, um yes" I said, "I've actually been wanting to talk to you about hiring someone. The girl at the hair salon Mr. McMahon sent me to? She's actually pretty qualified and the make up and hair department said they could use an extra person"
He thought about it for a long time and them said, "I don't usually do this" he paused, "but consider it an early Christmas present"
I was so happy, "thank you so much! You won't regret it, she won't let you down" I said and gave him a hug.
"Here" he said trying to back away from the hug, "have her
give me call" he handed me his business card and left.
Ok now that I got that out of the way, I have to keep searching for Elias.

(Ok so I know that part was REALLY BORING!!! But I had to get that out of the way, now on to the good stuff!)

I walked quickly down the halls, checking every single door, until I found the on that had "Elias" stuck on a plastic plate on the wall. I knocked on the door.
"We're kinda of in the middle of shooting something here if you would so kindly go away!" I heard him yell.
"Sorry I'll just leave your guitar here!" I yelled back and then the door swung open.
"Willow! I didn't know it was you sorry!" he said.
"No, it's ok, I didn't know you were shooting" I said giving the guitar back.
He gave me a small smile, and we stood there in silence.
"So I'll see you tonight? At AJ's?" I finally said.
"Oh yeah, that stupid game" he said.
I giggled.
"I want you to know the only reason I played was because they said it was for you" he said.
"Oh, wow, I really appreciate that" I said then gave him a quick hug before saying "see you" and leaving.
I rolled out of the ring Bayley giving me a hug before we headed up the ramp and backstage.
Of course Sasha won and I lost. I'm not disappointed though. Well just a little, since Sasha made me tap to her Banks Statement, even though I asked her not too. But whatever, she's the boss.
We got to gorrila where I saw Alexis pacing and Nia looking very worried.
"Hey you guys have a match?" I asked.
"Come on!" she yelled and grabbed my hand, we started to run.
"Lexi what's going on? Where are we going" I asked as she pulled my hand and ran faster.
"Finn's beating Sami!" she said.
"What? Why? They don't have a storyline together?" I said.
"This isn't a storyline!" she yelled scared.
"Willow! Finn saw the Bleacher Report!" I heard Nia say behind us.
"So he believes that stupid report? And he beats Sami instead of coming to me?" I said anger filling me up, "where is he?"
Alexis led me to a crowded mess. There was people surrounding them with cameras and phones. Others were yelling at them to stop. And others were trying to stop Finn.
Finn was beating Sami with what looked like a metal pole.
"Finn stop! What are you doing!" I yelled tears building up in my eyes.
I ran to Sami's aid and Finn dropped the pole, letting a crash on the floor.
"So it's true?" he said.
"No Finn it's not!" I yelled, "you just beat Sami with a fuckin pole!  You think I'm gonna leave him on the floor! Sami's my best friend!"
I looked down at Sami, he was covered in bruise and tears spilled down my face.
"Carmen I'm so-"
I cut him off, "Don't you trust me?"
"I do" he said quietly.
"Well if you did, you wouldn't have beaten Sami!" I shouted.
I cryed, then I said, more calmly, "if you and Becky went to coffee and talked about leprechauns and clovers, I wouldn't go beating Becky. You know why? Because I trust Becky, but most importantly, I trusted you!" I paused, "Finn, I believe a good relationship needs two things: communication and trust. It's clear that this one didn't have any. Why don't you go work on those." I said and started to cry again.
The crowd started to disappear and soon Finn did too. Two medics were by my side.
"Miss? We need to treat him" one of them said.
I nodded my head and let them carry Sami on to a stretcher.
"No, no, am ok" I heard Sami say attempting to push the paramedics away.
"Sami no your not" I said.
"I'll be ok" he said, then he said to the medics, "I'll be fine, you guys don't need to-"
"Please, Sami just a check up" I begged him.
"Ok" he said and gave me a weak smile.
I accompanied him to the medic's room where they gave him a check up and put ice packs and bandages on him.
"Hey Willow" he said, "you should go get ready for the secret Santa tonight"
"No I'll stay here with you" I said nodding my head 'no', "I don't think I'll be going after this"
"Don't be stupid" he said, "I'll still be going"
"No you can't, your too hurt" I said.
"No I'll be there, bruise and all" he said.
I gave him a smile, "ok"
"Now go get ready, you can't spend Christmas Eve dressed like that" he said.
I looked down to my ring gear.
"Ok I'll-do want me to drive you to AJ's" I said.
"That would help" he said.
"Ok, then meet me at the South gate exit, when the show is over" I said, then I gave him one last hug before leaving.
I went to the woman's locker room and took a hot shower. Then I put on sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. Then I put my Hardy Boyz sweater over it.

 Then I put my Hardy Boyz sweater over it

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I grabbed all my stuff and headed to The Shield's locker room to take a nap

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I grabbed all my stuff and headed to The Shield's locker room to take a nap.

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