Tonight on RAW

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As usual the commentary will be in bold.
6:10 pm
Augusta Civic Center, Maine

I successfully learned how to apply the dragon sleeper without breaking anyone's back. Dean was there and he renamed it.
I was heading to gorilla, my match was up next.
I walked in gorrila and was being greeted by all the women superstars. I made my way to Seth who was in a corner watching the flat screen TV. I was being accompanied by Seth because I didn't have my on entrance song yet. I heard from Dean that Cardi B was singing it. And also Seth was going to be on commentary.
"Hey, their about to announce your match" he said, "are you ready?"
"Seth, I was born ready" I said watching JoJo on the TV.
"The following is a women's lumberjack match!" she said into her microphone, "please welcome the lady lumberjacks!"
Ember Moon's music played followed by Asuka, The Riott Squad, Dana Brooke, Ronda Rousey, Natalya, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Alica Fox and Nia Jax.
Only ones left in gorrila was Mickie James and Alexa Bliss.
We said nothing as she left with Mickie.
"Making her way to the ring accompanied by Mickie James... Alexa Bliss!" JoJo said.
"Make sure to say nice things about me" I said to Seth.
He laughed, "just focus on the match"
Seth's music hit and he went first.

"What's the Kingslayer doing here it's supposed to be Willow" said Michael Cole.

I watched the TV as Seth gestered his hands to the entrance and knew that was my 'Q'. I smiled as I went through the black curtains and the roars of people cheering filled my ears.
Wow they actually like me, I thought as I waved at everyone.

"There she is" said Corey Graves.

Seth gave me a fist bump as we parted ways, me to the ring and he to the commentary table.
"And her opponent Willow Wyder!" JoJo said and people cheered.
Omg I was flipping out as people cheered.
I waved at Nia Jax, Natalya, Sasha Banks, Bayley, not the Riott Squad (they glared at me and Liv Morgan stuck her blue tongue out at me) Dana Brooke, Ember Moon (although her eyes freaked me out) Asuka, and Alica Fox. Not Mickie James either cause she was on Bliss's side.
I got in the ring and the bell rang.
The lady lumberjacks we're doing a great job at keeping Alexa inside the ring. I was currently in the process of locking in the dragon sleeper I mean,

 I was currently in the process of locking in the dragon sleeper I mean,

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"Hard times?" asked The Coach.
"That's right, Dean named it himself" said Seth.
"Well it looks like Alexa is going to tap" said Corey Graves.
"She tapped! She tapped! Ladies and gentlemen Alexa Bliss tapped out to Willow Wyder giving her Hard Times!" Michael Cole exclaimed.

Seth's music played as I exited the ring and (almost) everyone congratulated me.  Seth gave me a high five and I hugged him. I smiled and waved at everyone. Back in the ring everyone was ganging up on Alexa and Mickie.
"Wow everyone hates Alexa huh" said Seth as we went backstage and were greeted by Sami.
"Hey guys, great match Carmen" he said, "Seth can I talk to Carmen for a second?"
"Yeah sure" Seth said, "see you later" he left.
"What do you want to talk about?" I asked Sami.
"Not here" he said, "can we go backstage?"
"Sure" I said.
I followed Sami inside the arena, he led me to a break room.
"So?" I asked.
"I-I wanted to talk about what happened back at the ice cream parlor" he said nervously.
"Oh I'm so sorry for leaving it's just-"
"Its not that" he cut me off, "it's about what you did"
"I'm sorry but what exactly did I do?" I asked confused.
"Y-You... You" he stutted his cheeks turning a light shade of pink, "you kissed me"
My eyes widened, "excuse, I did what?"
"You kissed me, right here" he raised a finger to his left cheek.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Sami, I didn't mean too, it's just my dad, Roman called and I wasn't supposed to be there. I'm so sorry Sami" I said.
"It's okay, I guess, I just wanted to clear things up" he said blushing even more, "and I was wondering if you- no nevermind. See you" and he left.
I sighed. I think I knew what he was going to ask me. I'm glad he didn't. I wouldn't have known how to respond.

Hello my beautiful readers! This chapter! What a rollercoaster! No wonder Sami was left so confused at the ice cream parlor! Comment and vote! Happy Rusev Day!🇧🇬

(These are the entrance songs of all the lady lumberjacks. Just in case some of you readers don't know or forgot what they sound like. They're in order or entrance)

(I love this song btw)

(I love this one too)








(This ones my favorite)

You all know Alexa Bliss

Also whlie typing this, my Wattpad decided to be stupid and not save this chapter. So it was taking a while to save so I decided to log out and log back in, but when I clicked on my edit story and clicked this chapter... It was all GONE! So I had to type this TWICE! Anyway thanks for reading!

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