Dear Reader's

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1.12k!!!!!! How! When I saw it I literally died! Anyway this is awesome! I want to thank you guys  soooooooo much. If it weren't for you guys that keep reading my story, I would have stopped writing a long time ago, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging.
So remember the surprise I mentioned back in 'One Crazy Ass Party'? This is it! To show how much I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my story (even though you guys probably have better things to do than read my story), I had a drawing of Carmen Del Ray aka Willow Wyder made for you guys.

So remember the surprise I mentioned back in 'One Crazy Ass Party'? This is it! To show how much I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my story (even though you guys probably have better things to do than read my story), I had a drawing of...

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Ta-da! This is what she looks like. Thats her ring gear and everything! This drawing is fantastic! Once she gave it to me I couldn't stop looking at it, it's even my wallpaper on my phone! I really want to thank her  for this, her drawings are amazing and beautiful.
Anyway thank you guys so much for reading and there'll be more chapters coming.

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