Bryan's Help

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5:09 am

I couldn't sleep very well. I layed awake on the bed staring at the ceiling, replaying all the events of yesterday. From lunch with Finn to the blurry mess of calls at the ice cream parlor.
Am I really falling for Sami? I asked myself.
I thought you liked Finn, a side of me said.
Well... yeah but-
But what? You can't be falling of both men, people are gonna think you're a slut.
I guess you're right.
And what's going on with Elias?
Nothing. He's sweet but I don't think he's the one for me. He's more like my music buddy, someone I can go to when I want to talk about music and stuff.
So who are you choosing?
Ugh I'm having a mental argument with myself, oh my gosh I'm going crazy.
"I need to clear my head" I say to myself as I sat up.
I got up and took a long and relaxing shower to wash all the stress off. I put on a sweater and black leggings.
Next order of business: my match against Little Miss Bliss.
I already shown off dirty deeds, a powerbomb and the superman punch. But those weren't my moves. I want to bring an original move to the ring.
I wanted to learn a submission. So I face timed Brie.
It rung for a while before she picked up.
"Oops sorry for waking you up Brie, I forgot it was still 6 am" I said looking at the time on my phone.
"It's ok I was planning on waking up anyways" she said rubbing her eyes, "so why are you calling?"
"Actually I was wondering if I could talk to Bryan" I said.
"Yeah he's right here" Brie said.
"I was awoken by the call of my name" Bryan yawned and took the phone from Brie.
"I'll go check on Birdie" I heard Brie say.
"So your Willow, right?" asked Bryan.
"Carmen" I said.
"Yeah Brie told me about you when she came back from the party" he said, "I also saw your match on Monday, you're pretty good"
"Thanks" I said, "so you know that I'm having another match next Monday?"
"Yup" he said.
"So I still don't know if I'm scheduled to win, but I wanted to learn a lock" I said.
"So you came to the submission master" Bryan said with a chuckle.
I nodded my head.
"Did you have one in mind or do you want my opinion?" he asked me.
"Well I have one in mind" I said.
"Which one?" he asked.
"The dragon sleeper" I said.
"Good one. So here's the million dollar question, do you know how to apply it?" he said.
I laughed nervously, "no but I was wondering if-"
"I can teach you? Of course" Bryan finished my sentence, "where are you right now?"
"I think we're heading to Ohio" I said.
"That's perfect I'll be there for a live event. We can practice before, what do you say at... 1?" he said.
"Sounds good" I said.
"Ok I'll send you the location coordinates and I'll see there" he said.
"Ok, bye" I said as I hung up.
I checked the time.
I packed my stuff and headed to my dad's room, bumping into James Ellsworth on my way and taking a quick selfie. The pose he made for the selfie was his signature wink he made back in money in the bank.

(So ever since I started writing this book I aways wanted to place gifs on here but I didn't know how

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(So ever since I started writing this book I aways wanted to place gifs on here but I didn't know how. So I was thinking about it and thought, I think I put it on here like a picture.
So I tried it out, it worked so now I feel like really really stupid, ok back to the story)

I knocked on the door and it took him a while to finally open it. He barely opened it was just a crack, just enough so I can see his eyes.
"Your still not ready?" I asked him.
"Ready? You want to leave already?" He said in a sleepy voice.
"Well, yeah I don't want to get any traffic" I said.
"Hold on" he said and closed the door.
He opened it again and was holding an envelope.
"I have good news and good news" he said, "which one do you want to hear first?"
"Good news" I said laughing.
"You got yourself your first paycheck" he said handing me the envelope.
"Awesome" I said putting the envelope away, "what's the good news?"
"So I got your script yesterday and you win your match" he said happily.
"Really" I said.
"Really, end her with powerbomb" he said.
I laughed, "actually I want to make her tap, Bryan's going to show me the dragon sleeper"
"Nice one" he said giving me a fist bump.
"So are you ready to go?" I asked.
"Hold on let me get my stuff, I'll meet you downstairs in the lobby" he said.
"Ok" I said heading down to the lobby.

Hello my beautiful readers! So now that I now how to place gifs I'll be replacing almost all the videos with gifs so if you want to go check them out(it's an edit I'm making so its whatever, you don't have to). And can I just say, I was typing this while watching the Nigeria vs. Argentina soccer game and I was freaking out when Messi scored a goal, I was like that's my babe so stop hating on him. Also next Tuesday SmackDown Live is coming to my area and I'm going to go see if I can steakout on the parking lot until I see AJ Styles or someone. Happy Rusev Day everyone!

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