6 months later...

220 7 0

Monday Night RAW
Target Center, Minneapolis

It's the day before my big match with Lana. The Shield's decided to keep me a secret between everyone else who's already seen me. The New Day, Alexis and Nia, Bayley and Sasha and AJ. Over the 6 months they taught me how to fall correctly, Dirty Deeds, Falcon Arrow, a Powerbomb, how to defend myself and how to control my temper. Seth even taught me his curb stomp. Dean even named my kicks Windtakers, cause it feels like I'm taking your breath away. I've learned so much over those months I feel ready to face Lana. Over 6 months I also got really close to The Shield. Seth and Dean became my brothers and Roman became like a father to me. I even started calling him dad. I got homesick but they always cheered me up somehow. I've been staying in The Shield's locker room so no one sees me. I was watching The Shield take on The Miz and The Miztourage.
"Come on! Come on!" I cheered as Seth got up from a DDT.
The Match went on.
"Yes!" I said happily as The Shield won.
I heard a knock on the door. I froze. Oh no, was I too loud? Will I get caught, I thought as I was completely still, not moving a single muscle. I let out a sigh as the door opened to reveal Renee Young, Dean's wife. She also knew I existed, we'd often go shopping together or go get mani-pedi's.
"You scarred me" I said as I went over to hug her.
"Sorry" she said "I just came to tell you to keep it down, you're a little too loud, you can't make your big reveal till tomorrow".
"I know, I know" I said "but they won" I pointed to the TV.
She laughed "Yeah and now I got to go interview them, see you later"
"Ok" I said as she left, I started to gather our stuff.

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