Hair, Makeup and Butterflies

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Let me just congratulate Miz and Maryse for Monroe Sky! She was born early and she's so cute! So now instead of Michelle I'm going to use Monroe Sky, there the same character through.

I walked backstage carrying my gear in a duffle bag and found  the makeup and hair room.
"Hi, I'm Willow" I said shaking hands with a lady with glasses and short pink hair.
"Hi I'm Karla" she said "if you want, go put on your gear and then come back so I can do your hair"
"Ok" I said going into the women's locker room.
Brie was the only one in there. She was on her phone.
"Hey Brie, don't mind me, I'm just going to change" I said.
"Hey Willow" Brie said "I'm  going to FaceTime Birdie"
I changed into my gear then put on my gray tutu and the Shield crop top. Then I put on my knee pads with my knee high boots. They had S.H.I.E.L.D down the side in blue. Roman said they came on Saturday when I was partying.
"Hello Birdie, mommy misses you" I heard Brie say.
"Bye bye Birdie" I said "bye Brie"
I left back to the makeup and hair room.
"I'm back" I said to Karla.
"Good, sit on this chair while I do your makeup" said Karla.
"Umm... Karla?" I said
"Yes sweetheart" said Karla bringing her makeup things to me.
"I've never really been a big fan of makeup I always forget I have it on and end up smudging it, would you mind not putting makeup on me?"
"Well Mr. McMahon said to give you a girly look mixed with Shield inspired makeup colors" said Karla "but I'll try to minimize the amount I put on you"
"Thank you so much" I said as Karla started to apply blush on my cheeks.
Karla was applying eyeshadow when I remembered Jenny and asked her, "Hey do you need any more people working here in the hair and makeup department?"
"Well an extra pair of hands would be useful, why?" she said handing me a lipstick to put on.
"The girl who did my hair is really good, she studied makeup and hair, I was wondering if she could get a job here" I said handing the lipstick back.
"Keep it, and she'll have to tell Mr. McMahon, but I certainly won't mind her working here"
"I'll make sure to tell him" I said.
"Your makeup is done" said Karla handing me a mirror and starting to braid my hair.
I looked in the mirror. It was a light pink blush with a sliver and blue eye shadow. And the lipstick was Urban Decay's Backtalk.

 And the lipstick was Urban Decay's Backtalk

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"Wow this looks amazing, thanks" I said

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"Wow this looks amazing, thanks" I said.
"Your welcome" said Karla.
She finished braiding my hair into two french braided pigtails and left the ends puffy.
(Like that just a little more puffy and remember Willow's hair has blue highlights)

(Like that just a little more puffy and remember Willow's hair has blue highlights)

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"Omg you look so cute" squealed a voice behind me.
It was Alexis.
"Hey Lexi" I said "thank you so much Karla" and gave her a hug.
"Alexis who do you think my opponent is going to be?" I said as we both walked to catering.
"They didn't tell you" she said surprised.
"No" I said grabbing a water bottle and taking a sip.
We sat at a table and talked for a while, thinking of who my opponent could be. Then we were joined by Bayley, as always she greeted us with a hug.
"Hey Bayley" I said.
"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Bayley asked.
"Well we started talking about who Carmen's opponent is going to be" said Alexis "but end it up on types of sandwiches"
We laughed.
"I don't know how" I laughed.
"Anyway, Roman's looking for you, Carmen" Bayley said "He said you guys are kicking off RAW and he doesn't want you to be late"
I was going to check my phone, but I forget I left it in my locker.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"4:47" said Bayley.
"How long have we been talking Bliss?" I said "well my dad's right, I'd better get up there if I don't want to be late" I gave them both a hug.
"Good luck" they both called after me.
I ran up the stairs and to the lobby where the last of the fans were going inside the arena.
I looked around for The Shield but didn't see them.
"You get to your seat the shows about to start" said a security guard.
"She's performing with us" Seth's voice said.
"There you guys are" I said.
"You look like-" started Dean.
"Don't say anything" I said.
"I was just kidding" he said.
"Sure" I said.
"You look amazing, I'm so proud of you" Roman said, he sounded like a dad letting his daughter go to prom.
"Come on let's get ready" said Seth.
We lined up behind the door we were supposed to enter of.
That was when I realized how nervous I was.
"Umm... guys?" I said
All three of them turned to look at me.
"What's wrong?" said Roman.
"I don't know if I can do this" I said butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"Your not going to back down now?  You've worked so hard for this moment, 6 months! In 6 months you beat Lana who's older and has more experience than you! Your going to do great who ever your opponent is better watch out cause they've never faced anyone like you" said Roman.
I wanted to cry, but couldn't ruin my makeup so I gave them a a hug instead.
"I love you guys so much" I said.
"Can you do it now?" said Seth.
"You better be ready now" said Dean "cause that's our 'q', come on!"
We heard our music, Roman opened the doors and the sound of cheers roared inside.
All of a sudden all of my butterflies were gone.

I hope you liked this chapter my wonderful readers. Comment on who do you think Willow's opponent is going to be?

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