The Phenomenal One's Help

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"12 minutes late" said Roman as we got out of the car.
"Sorry, some fans delayed us" said  Bayley.
"Come help us unload the car instead" said Sasha.
We unloaded Sasha and Bayley's car and loaded The Shield's car.
"We need to get you a suitcase" said Seth.
"Or two" said Dean, I laughed.
"Well we better leave you guys to go to Mr. McMahon" said Bayley.
"Yeah, good luck" said Sasha.
I hugged both Bayley and Sasha.
"Bye" I said as we went inside the arena. As we were walking through the arena. I felt my phone vibrate. I checked to see a message from my aunt Sara. She sent:
Good, I thought, she picked up my car. I wasn't looking where my feet were taking me. I looked up off my phone, to find alone without The Shield.
Whoa where did they go, I thought to myself. I walked back the other way, ok stay calm you've been in here a few times, you can totally find them, "No I can't" I said out loud and it echoed.
"You can't do what" I heard a voice say.
I turned around and AJ Styles was walking towards me.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud, you see I got lost" I said embarrassed.
"You sure are, this is staff only" said AJ "I think your supposed to be up there in the bleachers".
"Oh no, I came here with Roman, Dean and Seth, we're supposed to go see Mr. McMahon" I said.
He laughed, "what kind of joke are you trying to pull off".
"It's no joke, Mr. Styles, look if you would be so kind to take me to them, they'll explain to you" I said starting to lose my patience. He's being so stubborn, why can't he just take me to Roman and the others,I thought. "Please" I added as last resort.
He looked at me for a few minutes with his beady blue eyes. Then he shook his head and said "alright". He took out his phone and called one of his contacts.
Hopefully it's Roman... or Seth or Dean, I thought.
It took a while before the other person answered.
"Hey Roman, I'm good yeah, umm there's a girl here with me, what's your name?" He asked me.
"Carmen" I replied.
"Uh, Carmen, she says that she came here with you, Seth,and Dean, and she got lost" he paused, listing to Roman "ok, I'll bring her to you" he paused listen again, "yeah I know where it is, ok bye" he ended the call.
"What did he say" I said anxiously.
"He said he's gonna take you home" AJ said.
"What! Why?" I said.
"I'm kidding" AJ said chuckling "I'm AJ, but you already know that, right?"
"Yup, and this is the house that you built" I said.
AJ laughed and said "Yup and your name is Carmen"
"Yeah" I said.
"Roman sounded pretty worried, let's go" AJ said.
"Where are they?" I asked.
"Outside Mr. McMahon's office" said AJ.
We walked down the hall turned left and walked down another hall. I don't remember this place being so big,when we were here preforming for all those graduations, I thought.
"What are you doing with Roman, Seth, and Dean?" asked AJ.
"Long story" I said.
"We have time" said AJ.
"Ugh... fine" I said as I started to tell the story for the 2nd time. As we walked down another hall I heard a deep voice call out "Carmen!"
It was Roman. I ran to him and gave him a hug, then I hugged Dean and Seth.
"We were so worried" said Roman "thanks AJ"
"No problem, good luck in there" said AJ giving a small nod to the door with a plaque that said 'Mr. McMahon'. He turned around to leave.
I said "Bye, Mr. Styles" and waved at him.
He turned around and said "just AJ" and turned around to leave.

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