My Script and Gear

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1:47 pm
Hotel in Illinois
Me and Renee just came back from the gym. We went inside the room me and her were sharing to find Dean sitting on my bed,with what looked like a letter, in his hands. Seth and Roman were reading over his shoulder.
"What are you guys doing in here?" Renee asked.
But my question was "what's that Dean?"
Dean answered my question "it's your script"
I've been waiting for it all week. I dropped my duffle bag on the floor and went to go get it, but Dean stood up and held it in the air so I couldn't reach.
"Come on Dean! Give it to me" I said jumping to try to get it.
"Try to reach it" he said laughing.
"Come on! You know I can't reach that high!" I said "aren't you going to do anything!" I said to my dad and Seth, I stepped on the bed to see if I could reach from there.
"It's entertaining" said Seth smiling.
Roman simply said "just give it to her"
I almost got it but Dean also stepped on the bed, which made him taller.
"Come on Dean just give it to her" said Renee.
Jumping obviously wasn't working, I had to try something different. So I jumped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Not expecting the weight he fell back.
"Get off!" I said, I got squished by his weight.
I was finally free and snatched the script out of Dean's hands.
It's was titled:
11-30-18 Monday Night RAW
I read it out loud:
"Your name is Willow Wyder, you are the Creation of The Shield, of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose. You are an annoying, childish little girl" I stopped reading.
This is exactly what I wanted, I looked at Dean, Seth and my dad, Roman "d-did you guys do this? Did you guys tell Mr. McMahon to have my character be like this?"
"It cost Roman a match with Braun Strowman" said Seth.
"And losing it" said Dean.
I looked at Roman, my father figure, the man who I called Dad.
"Dad, you don't know how much this means to me, it really is my dream come true." I said hugging him.
"Don't mention it," he said "just keep reading"
"Since your the Creation of The Shield your very experienced, blah, blah, blah, oh here it is, it says I have to enter right behind you waving at everyone non-stop, exaggerated waving, ok I can do that, anyway, I do a flip on the thing you guys jump across on what's it called?" I asked
"The barricade" said Renee.
"Yeah, that, ok then you guys" I said to The Shield, "are on the mic introducing me to the WWE universe, and while you do that me and Dean are supposed to be distracted somehow. And then that's when Kurt Angle comes out to introduce me to my opponent, which" I said flipping the paper over to see if there was a back side but it was blank "doesn't say who is going to be"
"That's weird" said Seth, "Hunter usual says who your opponent is going to be"
"I guess it's going to be a surprise" said Dean.
"On the bright side" said Roman "your gear came" he gave me a white rectangle box.
Me and the others went to go get me measured for my gear in Wednesday. The box barely closed, it looked like a small elephant was stuffed inside.
I opened the box, excited to see what was inside. It was amazing it looked like Charlotte Flair's. The top was black with a dark blue outline and sliver gems on it. The bottom was also black with a dark blue outline and sliver gems on it. There was a 'Shield' shirt cut to be a crop top and puffy sliver tutu on the bottom. On the bottom of the box was a note it said
'Your first of 3 suits, take good care of everything, wear the shirt and tutu when you make your entrance and are on the mic. Take it off before a match begins. Please report to hair and makeup 1 hour before the show starts.
- Karla
(WWE Dress and Makeup)'
"I love it" I said carefully putting everything back in the box, "I can't wait to try it on"
"Might be a good idea to shower first, we did just come from the gym" said Renee.
"Your right" I said shooing the guys away and gathering my stuff to go shower. When I got out I saw all of my stuff packed in my suitcase.
"Where's my gear?" I asked Renee.
"I already packed it, where going to Indiana" she said.

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