Secret Santa at the Styles' House

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"Wake-up, were leaving in a few minutes" I heard someone say.
I awoke and sat on the couch I had taken a nap on.
"Hey Renee" I said, "thanks for waking me up"
"No problem" she said, "hey are you ok? I heard what happened"
My memory recalled the events of a few hours ago.
"I'm fine" I said, "I'm gonna change into something more presentable"
"Ok, let me know if you need anything" she said.
I nodded my head and picked out an outfit. Something simple and not too over the top.

 Something simple and not too over the top

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(Not the purse though)

I packed my stuff when the door opened. It was Seth.
"Hey we're all ready to go" he said, "you ok?"
"Yes, Seth I'm fine" I said sourly.
"Ok well um, Roman hasn't heard the news yet"
I zipped up my suitcase and looked at him, "how? I thought everyone would have heard about by now"
He chuckled, "luckily Roman doesn't give a crap about society"
I rolled my suitcase on the floor as we walked out to the exit.
"Sami's coming with us, I offered to drive him" I said.
"Of course you did" said Seth.
He walked to the exit where Sami was waiting for us on his phone.
I saw how bruised his face was and I felt tears on my eyes again.
"Hey don't cry I'm ok" Sami said and Seth squeeze my shoulders.
"Come on cheer up, it's Christmas" said Seth.
I nodded, "it's just-"
"No it's ok, come on I'll drive" said Seth.
"No I'll drive, I need a distraction" I said.
We walked to our rental car and I got on the driver's seat. Roman was already inside, asleep.
Seth got in the back seat and Sami got in the passenger side.
I turned on the engine and the radio to a Christmas station.
And I drove to AJ's following Siri's directions.
All the guys went to sleep as I drove, lost in my emotions.
I didn't even know what to feel.
"Hey, I'm all ears if you need to get something off your chest and I have a shoulder for you to cry on" I heard Sami whisper.
"Thanks Sam, but I don't really want to think about anything right now" I whispered back, "I just want a horror movie character to come and take me away, preferably Freddy Kugar, but anyone will do"
Sami let out a quiet laugh, "well if you ever need to talk, you can count on me"
"Thanks, it's just I feel-I don't even know what I feel. I'm just so confused" I said, "but nevermind that, I like this song" I turned the volume a little high as Mariah Carries 'All I want for Christmas is you' played, "and it's Christmas let's not talk about depressing topics"
"Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
And I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe!" I sang and Seth stirred in the back. He's a light sleeper, any noise will wake him up.
"Your voice is amazing" said Sami.
"Really? Thanks." I said.
"Hey you mind turning it down" said Seth's sleepy voice from the back seat.
"No use now, we're here" I said as I parked on the sidewalk.
Me and Sami got out of the car and Seth woke up Roman.
"Hey Big Dog wake up!" He said loudly.
I giggled and went to the back to get my bag of presents.
We walked up to the front door and rung the door bell.
"I'll get that!" I heard people yelling on the other side.
And a thud on the door before a little boy opened it.
"The Shield is here dad!!!" The boy yelled.
"Come here to the power of positivity, my child!" said Xaiver as he, Kofi and Big E enbraced me in a group hug.
"We heard what that Demon did" said Kofi hugging me even harder.
"Oh, um you guys I'm fine, really" I said.
"Alright back off" said Roman.
The New Day let go and went back inside the house.
"And what was that about a demon?" He asked me.
"Long story, for later" I told him.
"Hey guys, Merry Christmas!" AJ said coming to the door, "come in, this is my son Albey" he said.
"Hi" said Albey, "Merry Christmas!" Then he tackled me with a tight hug.
I was taken aback for a second before I hugged back.
"Thanks for letting us stay at your house" I said.
AJ laughed, "you should have seen him when I told him, he wouldn't shut up about it"
Albey let go and went to fist bump Roman, and Seth.
"There kid now you have a story for school" said Seth.
"Can I go get Ajay, Anney and Avery?" Albey asked his dad excitedly.
"No, you have all Christmas day tommorow with them. And weren't you supposed to be in bed 20 minutes ago?"
Albey giggled and ran upstairs.
AJ sighed, "sorry about him"
"It's cool" said Seth.
"So is everyone here?" I asked AJ as we followed him to his living room, where it's seemed like everyone was there.
"Alexa and Nia still ain't here" he said.
"Dean and Renee aren't here either" said Corey.
"Merry Christmas everyone!" said a cheerful voice.
"Wendy! Wendy! Wendy!" The New Day chanted.
I turned to see, who I was assuming to be AJ's wife.
"Kids are asleep" she said then she said to me, "hi I'm Wendy, AJ's wife and your Willow right? I've seen you on TV you're too cute" she said giving me a hug.
"Hi, um, Merry Christmas" I said.
"I made dinner for you guys, figured you'd be hungry after RAW" she said very sweetly.
"Thank you so much, Wendy" said Roman, " you do a lot for us"
"We get food too right?" said Big E.
"Of course you do" Wendy said, "come have a seat"
We all followed her to a very elegant dinning room table.
"You guys can do your little gift exchange after you eat" Wendy said bringing out plates of food.
The doorbell rung.
"I'll get that!" Yelled all three members of The New Day.
"No" said AJ, "I'll be getting that" he got up and came back with Alexis and Nia.
"Merry Bliss-mas" said Nia and everyone laughed.
"Oh, let me get you a plate" said Wendy.
"No Wens it's ok, we got something before coming here" said Alexis.
"Can we open presents now!" whined Xaiver.
"Yeah, I want to know who got me!" said Carmella.
Everyone got up to go to the living room.
"I'll help you was the dishes" I told Wendy.
"No you should go play your game" she said.
"We're still not playing, Dean and Renee still aren't here" I said and started to wash the dishes.
I finished washing the dishes and dried my hands.
"Anything else you need help with?" I asked Wendy.
"No that's about it" she said, "thank you"
"No problem, your letting us stay at your house after all" I said as I went back to the living room.
"Ugh, Dean is still not here?" I asked as I scanned the room.
Everyone was singing Christmas carols, Elias played on his guitar.
"Somebody call him all ready" said Nattie.
"I'll call him" said Seth.
I sat next to Bayley and Carmella, watching Seth call Dean.
"Hey ass-hole, where are you? You were supposed to be here like an hour ago" he said.
"Yeah whatever" he said before hanging up.
"What did he say?" asked Tyler.
"He said he'll get here in about 5 minutes" said Seth.
We chatted for a while when the front door busted open.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" yelled Dean.
"AJ the kids!" Wendy rushed upstairs.
"Well I'm doing very good thanks for asking AJ" said Dean sarcastically.
"Sorry about that AJ, I told him not to" said Renee.
"How did you even get in here, the door was locked!" said AJ.
Dean throw him something.
"A pick lock?" said AJ.
"It's my key to everywhere" Dean said taking the lock pick back and sitting on the couch, "so can we do the present-giving now!"
"Yeah we would have done it a lot earlier if you were here on time" said Sasha.
"Sorry I wanted to take my beautiful wife to a beautiful dinner on Christmas Eve" said Dean, "but I'm here now so... I'll start!"
He got up and walked over to AJ. He got out a hair comb and a brush and said "I know how much you love your hair"
I smiled and giggled at what Dean's gift to AJ.
AJ laughed, "Thanks man"
"So we're all good?" asked Dean.
"Hell no" said AJ.
"So who did you get AJ?" asked Sasha.
"I got Renee," he said handing Renee a small gift bag, "Merry Christmas"
"Open it! Open it!" The New Day chanted.
Renee took the paper out of the bag and got out a small box.
"Awww this is so cute thanks AJ!" she said.
"What is it?" asked Nattie.
She showed is the box. It was a silver necklace with a tiny microphone and the letter 'R' next to it.
"It's so pretty" said Carmella.
"Well babe your next, who did you get?" said Dean.
"I got Miss Bliss" she said.
Alexis shot up from her seat and gave her a hug.
"Merry Christmas, Alexis" said Renee and gave her a box with black and red patterned wrapping paper on it.
The New Day still chanting 'Open it'
"I love the wrapping paper by the way" Alexis said before ripping the paper and opening the box, where very cute joggers were.
"Omg! These are so cute!" she said taking them out of the box and hugging them, "I love them! Thanks Renee!"
"No problem girl, who did you get?" said Renee.
"I got your fellow broadcasting colleague... Corey!" she said and handed him a box.
"Wow, thanks Alexa" he said and gave her a hug.
The New Day and Dean chanted while he opened the present and showed us a blue and gold tux.
"Wow, Alexa this must of been-"
"Don't mention it" she butted in.
I mentally laughed, Of course, she would go and buy something really over-the-top. Then I remembered the time she bought the white coat for me to use during-yeah, that time, I told myself.
Corey got Xaiver and gave him a new video game.
"Alright Woods who did you get?" asked Dean.
"Kofi, your filming right?" Xaiver asked and Kofi gave him a thumb up.
"Ok my secret Santa was, drum roll please, the boss! Sasha" he said and Sasha was excited.
Sasha got a Sailor Moon T-shirt.
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much" she said, "I got Tyler" she gave him a bag.
The New Day and Dean chanted... again.
"Oh yeah, I'm the boss now" said Tyler as he put on the 'Legit Boss glasses Sasha gave him.
"That's all you got?" asked Seth.
"No I also got 'Blue de Channel'" he said in his best french accent.
"And who did you get, Prince Pretty?" asked Big E.
Prince Pretty got up, "my secret Santa" he walked over to Bayley, "likes hugs" he then gave Bayley a hug, "Merry Christmas Bayley"
"Aww thanks Breezy" she said.
"I'm kidding, here" he said and gave her a bag, "I hope you like it"
Again Dean and The New Day chanted.
Bayley took out of the bag a perfume and lotion from Bath and Body Works.
She smelled them and said "I love it, I love the smell, thanks Tyler" and she gave him a hug back.
"So Bayley, who did you get?" Tyler asked her.
"Well," she also got up, "when I got my person I was super excited because," she paused and then said really fast and excited, "it's my mixed-matched challenge partner!" She rushed over to Elias and gave him a hug.
"Get off me" he said.
"Hey Scrooge, why don't you open you present?" said Dean.
Elias rolled his eyes and opened the bag that Bayley gave him and pulled out a Christmas scarf.
"Thanks Bayley, I'll make a great chew toy for the dog" he said.
"You have a dog?" asked Kofi.
"I didn't say it was my dog" he said, "I'm joking Bayley, it's a nice present" he put the scarf back in the bag.
"So who did you get Scrooge?" asked Dean.
"Stop calling him that, he obviously liked the present" I said.
Elias got up and left.
"Hey where are you going, Scrooge?" said Dean.
"Dean!" I said.
"Ok, ok I'm sorry" he said.
Elias came back with a big rectangle box wrapped in a vintage looking wrapping paper.
"This is for you, Rollins" he said and set the box in front of Seth, "careful it's heavy"
The New Day and Dean chanted.
"Thanks man" he said and ripped some of the wrapping paper.
"Oh, you didn't have to, this is- wow" he said.
"What is it?" asked Dean leaning over to look.
"It's a CrossFit training set" said Seth.
"Wow Scrooge went all out" said Dean then looked at me, "sorry kid"
I rolled my eyes at him, oh wow, Elias really went all out. He spent more money than Alexis.
"Wow this kind of puts my present to shame" said Seth getting up, "Merry Christmas Nattie" he gave her a hug.
"Awww thank you" she said and sat back down with her present.
"Open it! Open it!" Dean and The New Day chanted.
"Ok, ok" she said and unwrapped the present, "this is adorable!" she said as she held up the kitty purse, "thank you so much, Seth"
"Yeah no problem Nattie" he said.
"Sami, your my secret Santa!" she said super excited and gave him a box to open.
The New Day and Dean chanting "Open it!" as he unwrapped the box and took out a dark blue sweater.
"Uh, thanks Nattie, really thank you" he said.
"I knew you'd like it" she said.
"Battery Boy, who did you get?" asked Kofi.
"Yeah, Who? Who? Who? Who?" said Big E.
"Well actually Kof, I got you, Merry Christmas man" said Sami and gave him a box, "and it's Battery Man"
I giggled at Sami's correction.
"Open it! Open it!" The New Day chanted excitedly as Kofi unwrapped the box to reveal a Jordan's box.
"Aw, thanks man, these are awesome" he said as he opened the box and took out one shoe.
"Ok Kof, it's finally your turn" said Xaiver.
Kofi got up and had a cube shaped box with bright blue wrapping paper and had white snowflakes on it. It was a brought together with a white ribbon and a bow on top.
"My secret Santa is The Princess of Justice" he declared and gave the present to me, "Merry Christmas"
I smiled at his presentation and how he used my UUDD nickname.
"Thank you, Kofi" I said and careful in did the bow.
"Open it! Open it!" chanted Dean and The New Day.
I opened the box and and gasped, "oh my gosh Kofi, thank you so much!" I said and got up to give him a hug.
"What is is it?" asked Alexis.
In the box carefully placed on top of tissue paper, layed a tiara.
"It's a tiara" I said and carefully took the tiara out.
It had a crystal 'J' in the middle.
"Wow, this is the best" I said.
"Is there a story behind this?" asked Carmella.
"Yeah, this is when me and-" I stopped, "here Nia, you were my secret Santa" I said and gave her the package wrapped in red Christmas paper, "Merry Christmas"
"Thanks girl" she said and opened the package.
She saw what it was and gave me a 'are-you-serious?' look, "Girl you know me so well" she said and showed everyone the golden unicorn brushes I gave her.
"Aww those are fabulous" said Carmella.
"Well, Mella I hope this is also fabulous enough for you" said Nia and gave her a present.
She opened the present, "I... love... it!" she said trying her best not to freak out.
"What is it Mella?" asked Alexis.
"It's a Too Faced make pallet! It's the Mermaid and the Chocolate Gold one!" She said, "Your my favorite Nia!"
She then started to open the pallets.
"Yeah we'd all love to see you make up trash" said Dean, "and we'd also like to see who your secret santa was"
"Yeah Mella, who? Who? Who?" said The New Day.
"Ok ok, just shut up already" said Mella, "just like Bayley, I also got my MMC partner"
She gave Big E a Christmas card.
"That's it? You just give him a useless Christmas card?" said Xaiver.
"Open you dumb dumb" she said and sat back down.
He opened the card, Kofi and Xaiver stared chanting 'yes!' like Daniel Bryan would.
"What is it you dumb dumb?" said Dean mocking Carmella.
"It's an I HOP gift card!" He yelled, "pancakes! pancakes! pancakes!"
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Keep it down my kids are sleeping" said AJ, "just give your gift, so we can end this"
"Well my secret Santa was Booty-Loving-"
"Booty-loving?" asked Corey.
"Yeah, Finn" he said and threw the box of Booty'Os across the floor.
"Then who did, Booty-Loving Finn get?" asked Nia.
"He came by early and left this" said AJ showing is a cylinder package wrapped in sliver paper "he said it was for Dean"
Dean opened it and said, "I'd throw this in the fireplace, if it wasn't alcohol"
"We have a trash can on the kitchen" said AJ.
"Nah, why let a good present go to waste" he said.
After the gift exchange we gave each other our Christmas presents and said our goodbyes to the group that was leaving. That included Corey, Carmella, Bayley, Sasha, Alexa, Nia, Nattie, Elias, Tyler and The New Day (although they said they'll come back in the morning).
"One of you can stay in the guest room-" AJ started to say.
"We call dibs!" yelled Dean and wrapped his arms around Renee.
"Ok and the rest of you can take on of the kids room" he said.
AJ led us upstairs and left us each at one of his kids rooms.
"And where are your kids staying at?" I asked him once he showed me the room me and Seth we we're sharing.
There was one bed and a infallible bed with blankets and pillows.
"There staying with us" he said.
"Thank you again AJ, for letting us stay" I said to AJ.
He nodded and then left to show Sami his room.
"You can take the bed" said Seth as he sat on the infallible bed and took off his shoes.
"Ok I'll go change" I said and went to go find the bathroom to change.
I put on some confronted PJ's and went back to the room to find Seth already fast asleep.
I entered quietly and got into the boy's bed.
It had a blue cover and a Batman pillow.
I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't something was keeping me up. I just couldn't rest my mind with all the events of tonight.

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