The Architect's Plan

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A/N: just a quick note, I'm going to make Finn, Elias and Sami 10 years younger. Just so there's not that big of an age gap. I don't usually change things up but I'm going to change this because it was even getting a bit werid for me to write.
So Finn is 26, Elias is 20, and Sami is 23. They still look the same though, I don't want to make them look younger.
As Dean said, Braun won and Roman lost.
I was waiting in catering with Seth and Dean.
I wanted to talk to Alexis but I didn't see her all throughout the show. I tried calling her but she didn't answer and she didn't answer my texts. I decided to forget her, she can talk to me when ever she wants to.
Instead, I was thinking of what I was going to do tomorrow.
"We're going to Chicago right?" I asked Dean and Seth.
"Your taking the first driving shift!" yelled Dean.
"Awww whyyyyy" I whined.
"Because you performed first and you've had plenty of time to recover" said Seth.
I sighed, "True, true"
"You want to go ice skating tomorrow?" said Dean, "last time we were in Chicago, we only stayed for one night and we didn't get to go"
"That sounds awesome" I said, "but I already have some plans"
"You made plans in Chicago without us?" Dean said sounding insulted.
"I didn't make them they... just... sort of... fell in place" I said.
"What are you doing?" asked Seth.
"Ok don't tell my dad" I said lowering my voice, "I'm having lunch with Finn"
"Ooooo Carmen's got a boooooyyyyyfrrreinnnnd" Dean teased.
"Shut up" I said, "he's not my boyfriend we're just going as friends"
"Since when are you into Finn?" said Seth, "and when did you guys meet?"
I told them what happened earlier.
"Oh well we could go ice skating after your date" said Dean.
"It's not a date" I said, "and I can't me and Elias are going to a music store... and after that, Sami is taking me to a ice cream parlor"
"Wow you're a big hit with all the guys" said Dean.
"Just friends" I said.
"So you're schedule really is full tommorow" said Seth, "how are you going to keep it a secret from Roman?"
"I don't know, christmas shopping with Nattie?" I said shrugging, "just please promise that you won't tell my dad. Please, please, please" I put my hands together pleading.
"My lips are sealed" said Dean pretending to zip his lips.
I looked at Seth. It took more time to convince Seth Freakn Rollins. He could be so stubborn sometimes.
"Come on Seth please don't tell him" I said looking at him with puppy eyes.
"I don't know" he said, "I don't like the idea of you and Finn. Why don't you want to tell Roman anyway?"
"Because" I said, "if I tell him, he'll overreact and won't let me go. You know he'll overreact"
"And lying to him is going to solve this?" he said raising and eyebrow.
I sighed, "come on your nickname is literally 'The Architect', plan something out so that he doesn't know"
He thought about it for a while then said, "fine, you'll be christmas browsing with Alexis"
Ugh Alexis, I thought.
"What's christmas browsing?" said Dean confused.
"What he said" I said also confused.
"That's when you go to several stores to get ideas for your christmas shopping" Seth explained.
"Is that even a thing?' asked Dean.
"It is now" said Seth.
"Why can't I just say I went christmas shopping?" I asked.
"Because your going to come back with nothing; no bags no boxes, what are you going to say? That you got robbed? That'll freak Roman even more" said Seth.
"Ohhhhh that smart" I said.
"That's why my nickname is 'The Architect' " he mocked me.
"Here comes Roman, everyone act normal" said Dean
I took my phone out and tapped the Instagram app, where it said I had a 'follow request from @finnbalor'
Finn found me, I thought as I pressed the accept and the follow button. He joined my list of followers and following with everyone else from the party and Asuka and Ronda.
'how did you find me' I sent him.
He immediately respond:
'Easy I just searched for 'the must beautiful woman on earth' '
"Are you all ready to go?" asked Roman.
"Yup" I said, then sent to Finn:
'Aww😊 gtg see you tomorrow'
He replied with:
'Good night beautiful'
We took our stuff to the car. I got in the driver's seat and started to drive to Illinois, the guys sleeping in the back.

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