The Kevin Show featuring Sami Zayn

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There was nobody in gorilla, just a camera guy. I waited, then Kevin came in followed by Sami, who was limping. He was looking down trying to support himself on the walls.
"Hey Sami are you ok?" I said.
"A little sore but I'll be fine, thanks" he looked up (more like down lol) to see who was helping him, "oh sorry I don't know your name"
"I'm Carmen, but call me Willow" I said
"Oh nice to meet you Willow, I'm Rami, but if you call me Sami that's also fine" he said as I helped him sit down.
I handed him the water bottle and placed an ice pack on his shoulder where I saw a bruise.
"Thanks" he said as he placed the water on his forehead instead of drinking it.
"I have another ice pack" I said placing the second ice pack on his forehead as he drank out of the water bottle.
"Your Roman's girl" said Kevin recognizing me, "what are you doing here checking on him?"
"I just-"
"Shouldn't you be out there with Rollins and Ambrose?" Kevin interpreted me.
"Well yeah but-"
"Oh, I get it your ditching them for us" Kevin interrupted me again.
"Can I talk now" I said annoyed.
"Go on" he said.
"I saw how badly Dean beat you up so I wanted to see if Sami was ok" I said.
"What about me" Kevin whined.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Aren't you going to help me" said Kevin, "you know I also got pretty beat up"
"You look fine to me" I said as Dean and Seth came in through the black curtains.
"Hey great match guys" said Seth.
"Yeah" said Dean, "hey Carmen what are you doing here?"
"I came to help Sami" I said.
"Oh, great promo by the way" said Dean, "so are you going to have a storyline with Alexa?"
"Yeah" I said, "that's what this Hunter guy said"
"Can't wait to see how that turns out" said Dean, "by the way, 'this Hunter guy' is The Game"
"You mean Triple H" I said shocked, "I talked to Triple H!"
I mentally slapped myself, of course! Hunter is his real name!
"Are you coming?" said Seth.
"Nah, I'm going to stay with Sami" I said.
"And Kevin" Kevin butted in.
"No" I said.
At this Kevin threw his fists down at his sides and stomped his foot, making him look like a little 8 year old mad at his mom for not buying him any candy, "you'll see" he mumbled as he left.
"Ooooookkkkkkaaaayyyy" said Seth slowly, "well see you at catering"
"Ok, bye" I said.
"See you" said Dean.
"So Willow" said Sami, "can you help me get to the locker room?"
"Of course" I said.
I helped Sami get up. He put his arm around me for support and we made our way to the men's locker room.
As we made our way out of gorilla I saw Braun Strowman headed to gorilla.
"Weakling" I heard him mumble as he past us.
I rolled my eyes.
"Is your leg going to get better soon?" I asked him.
"I'll be fine" he said, "can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure" I said.
"Why are you helping me? Kevin's right, shouldn't you be with Roman and the others? Why didn't you leave with Seth and Dean?" he asked.
"Dean beat you up really bad, I mean look how he left you, and he didn't even ask if you were ok, and let's be real" I paused, "was Kevin going to help you?"
Sami seemed to be thinking about it then said "Alhamd lihah lak"
"Excuse me?" I said confused.
"Alhamd lihah lak, it means thank God for you in Arabic" he said, "Kevin is my best friend, but he wouldn't have helped me"
"Je t'en prie" I said.
Now it was his turn to be confused.
I laughed, "Your welcome in french"
We both laughed.
"Is this it?" I asked as I saw a door with a (plastic) plaque that said, 'Men's Locker Room'.
"Yep" he said.
I laughed, "are you sure you're going to be ok"
"I'm gonna fine, I told you" Sami said opening the door and hobbling inside, "Hey are you going to be in Chicago tommorow?" he asked me.
"Yeah" I said.
"There's a really good ice cream parlor, it's 80's themed it's really nice, would you like to go?" he said, "it'll be a thank you for helping me"
Oh no! I have lunch with Finn tommorow... oh and Elias wants to show me a store, I thought, but I don't want to be rude.
"You don't have to do anything to thank me" I said.
"No, I have too" Sami said, "your gonna make me feel bad if you don't go"
"Ok" I said not wanting to hurt Sami's feelings.
"Great" he said with a smile, "at 2?"
"Umm... can we go around 4 instead?" I asked.
"Are you busy at 2?" he asked.
"Uh yeah, kinda of" I said.
"Ok 4 it is" he said.
"Thanks you so much Sami" I  said, " here's my number" I showed him my phone.
"Hold on let me get my phone" he said.
He went inside the locker room and I waited outside. The door opened and Sami hopped back outside. He took a picture of my phone number and Snapchat.
"I'll add you to my contacts and friends later" he said.
"See you tomorrow then" I said.
"Tommorow" he said.
"Bye" I said as I headed to the locker room to get my stuff.

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