Getting ready with Bliss

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8 am
Hotel in Chicago, Illinois

I was awoken by the sound of knocks on the door. I ignored it, hoping they would go away. Today we all had separate rooms, except Dean and Renee of course.
I groaned and got up when the knocking continued. I grabbed my brush and quickly brushed it through my hair, then I tied it back.
"Coming!" I yelled as it reached to the door and opened to see Alexis.
"Good morning" she said with a small smile.
She was holding a brown bag in one hand and two bottles of orange juice in the other.
"What's so good about it?" I said stiffly.
After hiding everything yesterday she shows up like nothing happened! I thought angrily.
"Can I come in?" she said.
"Is there something I need to know? Or are you going to hide it from me?" I said closing the door on her.
"That's what I came to talk about" she said.
I'll give her one more chance, I thought then said, "come in"
I opened the door again for her to come inside.
There were no couch, chairs or tables, there was literally just a bed and a bathroom.
"Do we just sit here?" Alexis asked sitting on the bed.
I just shrugged and sat across from her, crossing my legs.
"Look Carmen," she said, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you that I was your opponent. I didn't know it was going to be me. They literally told me right after Kurt went out, I don't even think he knew. And even if I did know before hand... I still wouldn't have told you"
"What! Is this Alexis Kaufman talking or Alexa Bliss?" I said.
"I don't want work to get in the way of our friendship" she said, "when I had to betray Nia and say all those hateful things back in March, we promised that work stays work and we stay us. This means any arguments or fights that we have during the show is between Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss, not Nia Fanene and Alexis Kaufman. I want you to promise me the same thing. At work we're Alexa and Willow, after work we're Alexis and Carmen. So if you're mad, be mad if Alexa not me Alexis."
The way she said it was confusing, but I know what she was trying to say.
I smiled, "I understand what you're saying, why didn't you tell me that earlier though? But forgive you" I hugged her, "I'm still not forgiving Bliss"
She laughed, "oh she's ready for next Monday" she said, "and that was very smart of you, putting Bliss in that lumberjack match"
"So what's with the bag and the OJ" I said.
"It's breakfast" Alexis said handing me a bottle of OJ and a breakfast sandwich.
"Where's this from? It doesn't have any meat right?" I asked examine the sandwich.
No meat, not gultan, no fat. It's pretty healthy" she said, "it's from a cute little restaurant down the street"
"Speaking of restaurant guess what happened yesterday?" I said in a sing song.
"Ooooo what happened" she said excitedly.
We ate our breakfast and I told her about Finn, Elias and Sami.
"Ooooo Carmen has a boooooyyyyyfrrreinnnnd" she teased, just like Dean did.
"No I don't, why do you people keep teasing me like that" I said, "Finn and I are just going to have lunch together. And Elias and Sami just want to hang out with me"
"Oooooooo Carmen wants Finn to be her booooooyfrrrrreinnnnd" she teased again.
"Lexi!" I said.
"Ok, ok" she laughed, "so does Roman know?"
"No and don't tell him" I said.
"So how are you going to sneak out" she asked.
"Seth came up with this whole plan that I was going to go christmas browsing with Nattie. But since your already here I'll just say I'm going with you" I said.
"What's christmas browsing?" asked Alexis.
I explained what "christmas browsing" was.
"Seth made that up no wonder it makes no sense"
"I know right?" I said.
"But I'm in," she said, " you better get ready it's 9:20, and I like to do my christmas browsing early"
We laughed.
"I'm going to go take a quick shower" I said, "help me pick out and outfit" I signaled to my suitcase.
I took a 15 minute shower and throw an a bath robe. I got out of the bathroom to see a very excited looking Alexis sitting on the bed, with an outfit layed out neatly.
I looked at the clothes, "none of this is mine Lexi"
"The shirt and jeans are yours" she said.
"And where did you get the boots and coat from?" I asked.
"Oh the boots are mine and I went to go buy the coat while you showered" Alexis said.
"Lexi you seriously bought a coat in 15 minutes? Where? I can't wear this you bought it with your own money. You shouldn't have" I said.
"You have to wear it, you have nothing else" she said.
"What! I have plenty to wear" I said opening my suitcase, "look I have..." I looked through my suitcase noticing I had nothing fit for going out.
"Nothing for a date" Alexis said.
"It's not a date, but your right" I said, "fine I'll wear your coat"
Alexis squealed with excitement, "I'll go get my curling iron and my makeup kit" she left with with enthusiasm.
I put on my dark blue jeans and my white long sleeve shirt. Then I put on Lexi's boots and the beautiful white coat.

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