Chapter 26

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We must All FACE the Choice between

what is Right And WHAT is Easy ~ Albus Dumbledore

Ajay looked into Amrita's eyes and knew straightaway that she was successful in her mission.

A beaming Shyam hugged him, and gave a detailed description of the scene he created in the restaurant, and how he made Anand Rai almost wet his pants. Amrita too came forward to give Ajay a hug, but instead, they just held each other at arm's length and smiled happily.

In that moment, all their tensions were forgotten, and they were back being the best childhood buddies, when they used play similar pranks on their neighbours

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In that moment, all their tensions were forgotten, and they were back being the best childhood buddies, when they used play similar pranks on their neighbours. Ajay reminded them that they should go and meet Sonali later, to thank her personally, and with her help, put an end to their "sting operation".

They all were laughing loudly as they entered Amrita's room. Amrita inserted the USB Drive she brought along into her laptop, and opened the files.

First they looked at all the records of operations performed at Nalanda hospital for Organ transplants, and how much they were charging the foreign patients for these. Most operations seemed to be have been performed by Dr Patel. Just like Vidya, they too couldn't find any trace of where the organs were sourced. Amrita then muttered that she was opening the CCTV footage records now.

The atmosphere in the room was quite sombre now.

After scrolling through many videos, they found the video of Vidya walking along the corridor, and then hesitating for a while before entering the Dean's Office.

Then they had to do another extensive search to find videos of Dean leaving the Campus in a hurry, and later coming back with SP Kamal  to re-enter the Dean's office. Ajay noted down the time of each of those videos. The front camera also showed Pratap and his gang waiting outside, and then entering the campus later.

They couldn't find any videos of Vidya or anyone entering IT Server room, as the CCTV cameras in that section were faulty.

But the only CCTV camera working in the corridor towards the back showed two videos; The goons walking towards the hostel, which was later followed by Pratap and his henchmen carrying a lifeless Vidya towards the hostel, along with Kamal and the Dean; and then another video showing everyone coming back without Vidya.

None of them even tried to control the flow of tears along their cheeks. Even though they knew what happened roughly, to see Vidya in that state among those criminals was painful beyond measure. Ajay felt as if someone sucked all the air out of his lungs. Shyam reached out to Amrita, and laid his arm around her shoulder gently.

Amrita shook off his arm slowly, and walked away from her laptop, and went to the washroom shutting the door behind.

Shyam looked concernedly at Ajay who gave him a reassuring nod.

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