Chapter 92

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"So, what is the plan?"

Vikram asked Nitin eagerly.

"VikramJi please wait, I don't have all the information yet. Kamal is going to be transferred to a high security prison overnight. I am going to visit him tomorrow to check on the arrangements. I can only give you more information, concrete plans after that. Please trust me on this. But first of all, I need to make sure what are the legal implications of his testimony. I mean is there any way we can avoid all this? Like for example, try for an out of court settlement? Negotiate with Kamal not to give testimony?" Nitin proposed hopefully.

Vikram Chaudhary grabbed the old rifle hanging on the wall and aimed straight at Nitin. Nitin looked back at him unflinchingly, while Pramod squealed in terror.

Dhanraj came behind Vikram and tried to pull him back.

"Bhai please, control yourself. Whatever Nitin is saying is for your own good. We need to look at all options. You are not a slum don anymore; you are Minister Vikram Chaudhary for goodness sake. Or have you forgotten that? Even since Pratap died, you have lost your mind and behaving irrationally. There's a whole bunch of people who look up to you, and are even ready to lay down their lives for you, but all you are ever worried about is your revenge." Dhanraj's frustration was evident even when he was pleading with Vikram.

Vikram slowly put the gun down and threw it back on the floor.

He turned to Dhanraj and lay his arm on his shoulder and became very emotional.

"He was my little brother

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"He was my little brother... He was all I had to call my own. Who loved me unconditionally. Not because I was anything...but just his brother. And for him to have been killed by that traitor.... I just can't digest it. I was very calm and collected in that court room till I saw that scoundrel's face. Then I just lost it. Just felt like ripping his head off right there. The truth is, I haven't healed from Pratap's death, and all this ... this is because of that. But what you say is true.. I am losing my focus."

He turned around and tapped on Nitin's shoulder as a way of apology.

"Nitin you must understand that, for me, to wait this long, to take revenge even for my business enemies is unusual. So imagine how I must be feeling about the killer of my brother. How can you talk to meabout out of court settlement with that kind of guy ? But still, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I was just feeling impatient. Anyway, I have waited this long, what's few more days. Let's look at all options as you say."

He slowly composed himself, and looked at Pramod, who was still feeling terrorised by what all he saw.

"Pramod, Kamal and I go a long way. Not just this silly Intern at hospital case. If he opens his mouth, where do I stand?" He asked, trying to sound as normal as possible.

Pramod gulped nervously and finally found his voice.

"VikramJi it all depends on what details, documentation if any, he is holding against you, just the way he hid that CCTV server in the hospital case . But even if he gives verbal details as well, it can be very damning evidence indeed. He is a senior police officer and knows the justice system too well. You plainly threatened him in the court today, and that effectively turned him against you, if I may say frankly." He gulped nervously again, when he noticed Vikram swearing in response.

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