Chapter nine

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Chapter nine:

I was in a tiny cell and my hands were chained to the wall. Everything reeked and I was a mess. I could here someone or something coming because of the heavy labored breathing and loud footsteps coming closer.

Eventually, I could see two figures and they turned out to be two monsters that had the form of a man and every inch of their body reeked of this brown gooey substance on them. They were thickly layered in muscle and had short stubby necks.

"Go on, grab it!" The voice spat, as it sounded like rocks being grinned together.

A whimper escaped my mouth as the doors opened and the one entered coming straight for me. I was struck with fear and my legs seemed to not work. I couldn't pull my eyes from the hideous monster but it didn't seem to notice as it came closer.

The thing grabbed me by the shoulders and yanked me up, ripping the chains from the wall that held me captive. It dropped me and grabbed the end of the chain and practically dragged me along as my tiny legs tried to keep up.

It was eerily quiet as we walked down the endless halls and didn't see any other creature.

We came to a stop but I had no clue of why we were just standing there.

The one who had spoke earlier sniffed the air and turned to the other before snickering,

"We have some uninvited guest."

But before the other could answer, the one was shot through the head with an arrow and dropped dead into a heap on the floor before the other turned blowing something but was shot down just as the other.

I didn't know what to do but stand there in horror as the dead bodies laid before m . Out of no where, an armored man with a beard came over to me in a hurry and crouched down to face me.

"Come quickly, we are here to get you out." He said before breaking the chains off and picking me up.

He started running and the sound of hide creatures weren't far behind. A few other men stood in the hallway and more of those creatures were on the floor dead.

I was too scared to say or do anything except stare at the men until we came to an opening and went through it which lead us outside and I took a deep breath of the fresh air, and hope filled me that I might see my family again.


I shot up and practically and fell off the couch landing with an 'Oof!'. I didn't want to get up so I just laid there and thought about my dream thinking of how real it felt.

I jumped at the touch of a hand on my arm, "I'm sorry." it was Alex, "Are you okay? I came to wake you, but when I shook your shoulder, you rolled off the couch."

"I'm fine." I wiped my face realizing how sweaty I was, "Thanks for waking me up."

I stood up and sat on the couch, taking off my jacket and setting it aside.

"Okay, well I thought that you would like to have some breakfast, so I brought a little of everything so you could choose what should satisfy your hunger."

"Thank you." I said placing the tray of food he handed to me on the table in front of the couch.

"You're welcome. I would love to help show you around, but I am needed elsewhere." Alex started to walk out the door until I placed my hand on his arm to stop him.

"Uhh.... could you get me a pair of clothes to change into when I'm done eating?"

"Of course. The tailor will bring you clothes. And you might want to freshen up as well. Go down the hall and the third door on your left."

"Thanks." I sat down and started to eat before I freshened up.

A/N: Thanks for reading hope you like the story so far. If you have any thoughts or ideas, don't be afraid to comment!

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