Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen:

Even after being so tired and not even thinking I would wake up, I don't have the strength to go back to sleep at all.

I sit up in bed, my legs feeling sore from all the riding yesterday that I wasn't used to. I raised my arms in the air stretching, as a yawn escaped my mouth. I caught a glimpse of the envelope on the little desk next to me and remembered that I needed to go talk to the Queen.

Looking in my wardrobe, I realized that there was no pants or shirts. I decided it was for the best if I wore a dress because I didn't need another thing for her to complain about. I picked a plain dark blue dress with long sleeves and a crested belt around it. I pulled out my braid that I had in and had a decent crimp to pull it off.


I found some grey slip-on shoes and rushed out to greet the Queen. I passed a girl about my age and stopped to ask her what time it was.

"Right now, it is almost time for the first meal, ma' lady." she spoke softly and gave a quick curtsy.

"Thanks!" I rushed off and turned the corner so fast I ran into a person I really wanted to avoid for at least until after breakfast.

A/N: thank you guys so much for all the votes and comments! Each one puts a smile on my face.:)

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