Chapter 48 - Waltz with the Devil - Part ii

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All you need is a heart in your body ... and you'll be ready to fight the entire universe with it.

- Anonymous

Agent Hart hasn't changed much physically.

However, the change has come to him in a different way. He has been promoted to Osbourne's position in the bureau while Osbourne has made himself cozy in ASAC's chair.

I am slightly concerned about how I'm going to start the conversation. According to one of the agents here, Hart is occupied in a stakeout but won't be out for long.

I don't have to wait much longer which is a comfort. Once in a while, I turn to see outside the cabin, my eyes darting to Emma who sits behind her desk, trying not to look at me.

I am ashamed at times for ruining her marriage. One would point out that the faults belonged to Adrian. But, he never intended to drag me between them. If he had tried, I probably wouldn't have protested. There had been multiple times he could just lean forward and place his lips on mine. He just had to want me back. Probably this is one of the reasons I will always respect him.

To distract myself from these thoughts, I focus on the photo-frames on Hart's desk. There are two: one is of his wife, I assume, not older than me with her fiery red hair and freckly pale skin and other one is of both of them together, smiling at the camera, probably in the middle of a ceremony.

"I apologize, Mrs. Dale. I was outside."

Agent Hart's voice fills the cabin as he walks in. He's taking off his jacket as I turn my head. From the corner of my eyes, I notice his gun before he hides it from the plain sight. It's funny how that weapon has no impact on me anymore.

I've held a gun before and I've shot a man with it. My husband (supposedly?) smuggled guns in and out of the country while he was (/is?) alive. And now, I carry a gun and a license with me, just to be safe.

Hart sits down opposite mine and gives me a tiny smile of guilt.

"You mentioned you wanted to talk about something."

"Yes." I nod. "I'm not sure how you're going to take it. I... I wanted to know what happened that day outside the court."

He blinks, blue eyes confused for a moment and I'm overcome by a twinge of embarrassment.

"Agent Hart, I know, it seems... a bit odd. But I never really got to know, mainly because I wasn't ready to hear. Now, I am. Do you mind if-- ?"

"No, I don't mind, Mrs. Dale. It's completely fine."

He gives me an encouraging look.

"Before Silas arrived outside the court, he was in the bureau with you. What made you delay his arrival?"

He blinks once more as if he wasn't expecting this.

"Paperwork. We were going through the deal Desmond had made with the WITSEC in case the trial went wrong. And when we arrived, Mr. Dale may have stepped on a wrong place. We hadn't noticed the sniper until after he was shot."

I bite my lip to conceal the tremble and nod to indicate I'm listening. Disturbing as it is, it's also strange in so many ways.

Was it just a coincidence for me to arrive only a few minutes before him? Was it just a coincidence that they had already sent him to the nearest hospital before I could reach the spot?

"And why was his autopsy canceled?" I ask, knowing this can shed light on what I'm guessing.

"Our people had evidence against Miss Bateman the next day. Besides, Adrian Dale had specifically requested to cancel the autopsy if the killer was caught."

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