Chapter 15 - Taking Care of Business (Bachman Turner Overdrive)

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Didn't say another word to anyone.

Strode out of the residence and through the warehouse. Straight into the Jeep waiting outside the compound. Guillermo slammed the door behind me and jumped in the driver's seat.

"Put your belt on!"  He barked.

Then didn't even speak or look at me until we reached the doors of the hostel. I did the same lest I give myself away.

Because the deal I'm about to make has to work....for Leo's sake. And that means timing.

Another vehicle followed behind us driven by Eduardo. With Miguel and a young vato called Maté riding shotgun.

There were a couple of zombies plodding outside the hostel doors but inside is still clear. Miguel dispatched them with ease then we got out of the cars.

The vato's all gazed warily at Guillermo, who still has a fiercely blank face. They've obviously seen him in this mood before. And are probably damning me to hell again for being the cause now.

They don't need to....I'm doing a bloody excellent job of that myself.

I started running up the staircase. Pausing at the first landing I called out....

"C'mon you lot. Don't just stand there....get a move on"  They just stared at me....confused.

I reached the third-floor quick smart and finally heard the sound of their footsteps coming up slowly behind me. Smiled to myself a little.

Thinking how they'll probably be breathing a bit heavily by the time we get to the roof.


I waited in the kitchen until they arrived.

The vato's are sweating and panting. Yet Guillermo looks like he's just had a leisurely stroll around the garden. They all glanced around and 'woooo-hooooed'  once they spied the still-full vending machines.

"One more floor, boys."

Hitting the slam bar I climbed to the roof with all four hot on my heels. Then I took a few steps over to the parapet and watched.

They wandered over to our living area and gazed around in shock. Probably musing how a lightweight gay guy and a prized bitch with a killer temper could've done all this. Managed to survive for so long.

All of our bounty we gathered during the first sortie yesterday is still sitting on the couches. About sixty shopping bags in total. Ready to be sorted and stored.

I'm just waiting for someone to lift the tarp. The one covering the remaining treasures of tins, dried food, supplies, guns and ammo. There's enough here to see their compound through for a month or two at the very least.

That lucky man was Eduardo, who let out a war cry. Sending the others running to see what all the fuss is about.

They all turned to me as one with looks of astonishment. The smile I gave back masked my sorrow.

"Hope you enjoyed those stairs guys because you're about to become intimately acquainted with them. Vamos!  This shit ain't gonna pack itself up and drive back to your compound you know."

"Just leave me the tent and a few supplies?"

I snuck a quick look at Guillermo. Expecting to see relief, now he's no longer responsible for me.

Hooooly sheeeeit!

His face resembled a thundercloud.

He indicated for his men to stay put. Then whirled around and strode over to me.

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