Chapter 45 - Your Life Is Now (John Mellencamp)

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"Is Hit-Girl going to come and live with us now, Mom?"

Carl is wide-eyed with excitement.

"No one  is coming to live with us, Carl. Especially someone who obviously has severe psychological issues!"  Lori responded firmly.

"Who's Hit-Girl?"

Maggie ignored Lori. Turned to Carl with a smile to take the sting out of his Mother's harsh response.

"She's this mungy girl in my Kick-Ass comics. Can do all sorts of wicked moves on the bad guys. Doesn't have superpowers but she sure fights better than any other girl can."

"Sounds like my kinda gal. Can I borrow some of those comics one day?"  Carl grinned back at Maggie, nodding like mad.

"Maggie, you'll love her. She and her friend Leo looked after me. Grew up on a farm too and had lots of older brothers....can take care of herself. And like T said, Nate's hell-funny"  Glenn told her.

"Oh, yeah....bitch is a real barrel of laughs"  Daryl spat out tetchily.

"You're only ticked off at her, Dixon because she got the jump on you....twice. And gave you a sweet, little pink bike!"  T-Dog ribbed him.

He turned to Carol, grinning in recollection.

"Nate snuck up on him like a Ninja....dude here jumped a mile. Looked like he was gonna faint or something. Ain't never seen anyone sneak up on Dixon before. Or give him lip right back, no fear."

"I think I might like having her around. Stirring up Pookie's pot a bit will do him some good"  Carol laughed, winking at Daryl when he growled back.

"Well, we know she can take care of herself. Has been doing it on her own for months now, the poor little girl. And grieving for her friends at the same time too."

"She gathered all those supplies and then just gave them to us. Total strangers for all she knew. Well....except for Hershel"  Carol finished her piece.

"Now just hold up a moment. I can't believe this discussion is even happening. She said unanimous and I'm certainly not voting yes! "

Lori was almost beside herself, listening to the conversation swirling around her.

"She said she went crazy. She said she killed people. How do we know if they were really bad or not?"

"I'm not having a stranger....a self-confessed crazed killer around my son and baby!"  Lori made her feelings clear.

"We're all crazed killers now, Lori"  Maggie responded gently.

Knowing the rebuke she itched to give will only antagonise the ignorant and selfish woman even further.

Lori went to snap again, but Maggie held up her hand.

"You've made your point. My turn to speak now."

"It sounds like she made quite an impact on the five of you in the short time you met her? Even if Daryl's impression isn't so great. Daddy likes her and so does Glenn."

"And she brought us stuff from home. Things she thought might bring comfort to Daddy and me. Took a huge risk going to our farm."

"A compassionate risk. Wanting nothing in return....just some letters from her new friend"  She took a deep breath.

"Daddy always told me that strangers are just friends we haven't met yet. You  were all strangers to us at first Lori, please don't ever forget that."

Lori bit her lip but had the good grace to nod her acceptance of that truth. And exactly how much it cost Hershel....his loved ones.

Hershel gazed over to his daughter, with love and pride at the fine woman she's grown up to be.

"I know you  want her to join us. But why....why is it so important to you?"  Rick asked the older man.

"I believe we need her as much as she needs us. Even if some folk don't realise that yet....or let themselves realise it"  He gave a brief speculative glance at Daryl before continuing.

"Nate just gets on with it and does things, sometimes dangerous things. Not because it makes her feel good or others think better of her. She somehow knows it's the right  thing to do....and does it without fanfare."

"Just like someone else I know."

This time he did  look fully at Daryl, with as much pride as he has for his daughter.

"I was a stranger in a bar, well on my way to being drunk. Angry as all hell and I had a loaded gun to boot. Yet even that didn't stop her. She knew I was in a bad way, could've just left me to it."

"Only she didn't. Didn't give up on me....a total stranger. And I'm still here today because of that."

"I....I think she's....Oh I can't explain it easily. Nate has a good heart. And I just know that she belongs with us, not on her own. No one can live in this world on their own anymore. I also believe some things are simply meant to be, they happen for a reason. A purpose."

"Things like a slip of a girl from halfway across the world getting stranded in another country. That girl meets strangers and makes them friends before they part ways. It's no coincidence that we all meet again."

"Nate is meant to not just be with us....but for us. She's meant to be."

Daryl just waved everyone off when they asked for his thoughts. Continued to gaze sombrely at the flames in the fire pit.

The whole family now turned to look at Rick.

"Guillermo was the leader of her group. We started off bad because we started out with mistrust and fear. Yet it turned out they were truly, truly  good people."

"We saw that with our own eyes. They risked their lives and stayed in that godawful city. Because they knew it was the right thing to do....for the old folk."

"She was one of his group. They're gone now....he's probably gone now. But Nate is still here. I respected him....he respected her. They all did."

"That's more than enough for me."

"So, what do we do now? Just stick up our hands to vote?"  T-Dog asked, his hand already in the air.

Carl stuck his up as fast as he could, reaching for the sky. Glenn and Maggie quickly followed.

One by one. Including Lori....though reluctantly.

When the time finally arrived for Daryl?

It was without a doubt the hardest decision he's ever had to make in his entire life. And he also knows....that his life will never be the same again.

If he votes yes.

He felt everyone's gaze on him, waiting.

"I said before that some things are simply meant  to be. We're family now....but it's your life son. And it's your choice. The one you make? I just have me this'll never regret it."

Hershel's voice was soft but so very sure. And his eyes never wavered from Daryl's.

Eventually, his hand rose. Though not without comment....

"Best be prayin yer right, Old Man. But if the bitch touches my bike? I'm gonna stomp her ass"  He threatened.

"I reckon your bike is safe, man"  T-Dog gave him a teasing grin.

"Don't think neon pink is really her colour."

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