Too Mature or Not Too Mature - That is the Question

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Yes, it's me. That silly author again. Interrupting just when things are about to know.

I hope there's someone out there who's read far enough to even get to this point?

And yes, I apologise again that Mr Dixon hasn't shown up as yet. But I swear, he's going to make his grand entrance and very....very  soon.

So please don't give up in despair. It's a long book, but then? I'm very sleepless  🥱

It's just that Mr Guillermo made a shock appearance in one of my dreams (when I do actually get some sleep that is).

And I can tell you, it was a very nice guest appearance indeed!

So much so that I felt sorry for little Nate. Thought she deserved to meet and get to know him a bit better as well. Gain some life experience and all that....

So why am I interrupting you ask?

Well as I mentioned earlier, this is my first bit of writing. And the whole ratings / mature thingo is confusing me a bit. So, I did a bit more thinking and here's what I came up with.

Forgive me if I'm being a bit of a numpty over it all. Just like Nate, I overthink sometimes lol  😉

Anyways, my Mum was Nate's Mum to a T. She was honest, open, loving, funny, kind, patient, mega embarrassing and just the greatest.


She grew up in a household where anything related to sex was taboo. Was an only child and reckoned that's because her parents only did the horizontal tango once. And as a result of this non-disclosure of the birds and the bees, she grew up thinking it was dirty and evil. Something to endure.

And it scared the pants off her....not literally.

It's so sad that even today, there are so many girls out there like she was.

But she got so very lucky. Met my Dad who had no such inhibitions and learnt from him that a woman can enjoy her own body just as much as a man can.

After all, she used to say. Why did women get the ability to feel good and then not be allowed to do so? Or made guilty because they did....feel good that is?

She vowed she wouldn't let me grow up without knowing everything, and I pretty much mean everything. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.

She said the only way I can make the right decisions is to have all the facts. And then make the best choices I can under the circumstances.

I made a few wrong turns along my way in life, but she'd also taught me to forgive myself. Learn from it and move on. I did, and I think that's why I've got a marriage that's as awesome as my Mum and Dad's was.

I wanted to pay it forward and was very lucky that my stepdaughter let me.

I so love that we have the honest and open relationship that I had with my Mum. She's sixteen, strong and confident in her own mind and body. I'm so very grateful for that and I know her step-Nan would be very happy too.

She's waving hello to you all now as I type.

Hey, don't be horrified. She pointed me towards this site and introduced me to the world of fanfic in the first place. When I said that Mr DD can aim his crossbow at me any day!

Anyways, she told me that girls and guys her age have access to everything at their fingertips....on the internet and social media.

Yes, there are warnings. And yes, there's some truly awful and explicit stuff out there. But all the warnings in the world won't stop someone from seeing or reading whatever they want.

Where there's a will, there is a way.

The difference is to understand what you're reading, then deciding if it's for you or not.

So, she and her opinions are going to be the first of my yardsticks. Regarding a lot of the more semi-mature content that's coming up now and in the future. She's read everything I've written so far, proofreading the latest chapters for me now.

Sometimes she laughs, sometimes she groans and sometimes she just sits there. Nodding her head as if she gets it.

My second yardstick will be some of my favourite chick lit authors. I'm going to try and handle my content in a way they've handled theirs. Not the actual content itself which would be plagiarism of course. But the overall tone, actions, feeling, sentiment etc.

My third yardstick is equally important as the other two. You, the reader....hopefully readers  as in plural.

So, I'm going to write it as I see it and hope that she and you will tell me if I'm going a bit too far with the naughty bits. If so, I'll tame it down a bit.

I'd really love to get your feedback and work with you. To make sure I can continue writing something that will be available to all and not slapped with a Mature rating.


PS. Now let's get on with it....can't leave poor Nate standing around in her birthday suit forever can we?

Though I'm sure Mr G would think it a splendid idea!

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