Chapter 56 - Funeral For A Friend (Elton John)

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It's all gone to hell so fast.

Walkers are everywhere....people screamin and shootin....everyone scattered.

I saw Nate with Carol, T and Beth....tumblin down the stairs to the tombs. Went to follow em except the prison alarms started blaring, drawin even more walkers into the fray.

Rick grabbed Oscar who said he could turn the sirens off. We followed him to the generator room. Leavin Glenn and Axel to deal with the walkers in the courtyard.

That's when that little 'dead'  prick Andrew started swinging at us. Only he ain't dead after all.

It was him who did this....him who tried to kill us!

He wanted to take the prison back for himself after Rick threw him to the walkers. Lured them in to do his dirty work for him.

Oscar got hold of a gun and aimed it straight at Rick's head. For a moment I thought he was gonna take him out....only he shot Andrew instead.

The asshole is dead for good this time!

We made our way back to the courtyard, getting rid of walkers as we went.

Axel and Oscar pitched in again and again without even bein asked. Knew they weren't doin it to get into our good books....they did it because it were the right thing. And they knew it.

I was just shaking Oscar's hand, thankin him for his help....when a wail burst out into the air.

Hearin a baby cry?

Jeezus, it feels good don't it? Can hear the life rippin through its lungs.

But Mags is all bloodied up and cryin, carrying the baby. Carl shuffling behind her with his head hangin.

Oh, fuck....NO LORI!

Rick collapsed in agony once the realisation hit him as well.

It almost killed me to see my friend go down like that. And the Kid....just standin there lookin like his heart will break.

But it's the baby, a little girl Hershel said? She's the most important thing right now. Even more important than.... don't even think about....enough time for that later....

Everyone is in shock. Know I have to step up and make decisions, plans....because Rick can't. His lil' newborn needs food and fast.

Ain't gonna let all of this death be for nuthin.

No way!


Mags and me went off on my bike to find that baby some formula.

Maggie is one hell of a girl. After everything she's been through? All she wants to do is help our tiny tot and Carl. To honour their dead Momma.

She directed me to a day-care centre.

Gotta hand it to our women, they sure are a lot smarter than we ever give em credit for. And a shitload tougher than men can ever hope to be.

We wandered around slowly and it's heartbreakin. Seein things left behind by little ones who are probably long gone now.

Mags found a heap of formula. Packed it all up along with some other things for the baby. All I manage to do is catch an opossum for supper.


When we got back the baby was yellin her lungs out. And I'm screamin myself on the inside, listenin to her cryin like that.

I took her from Carl and held her....shushed her....talking all gentle like. Rocked her in my arms and within seconds she quietened.

It feels right and it feels so damned incredible holding this fragile little thing in my arms. Someone else who's pure and good in a world gone to shit.

This little one? She and her big brother are all that matter. They're the only future we got goin for us now.

Those of us left? We all gotta live for em.

Mags handed me a warm bottle of formula. Not knowing what the fuck I was doin, I plugged it into her mouth. That tiny girl just latched on and went for it.

"She got a name yet?"  I peered down at Carl and my damned heart broke a whole lot more.

Yeah, I actually got one of them yer know.

"Was thinking maybe Sophia....or Nate....Carol....?"

I quickly tilted my head down to the baby when he spoke her name. Don't want anyone to see my face.

Carl kept bringin up all those women who were once our lost.

"Amy....maybe Lori? I don't know"  He stopped then.

"Hmmmm  yer like that Lil' Ass-Kicker....huh? Yer like that lil' sweetheart?"  I crooned to her precious angel face as she cooed and drank.

Gazin up at me with eyes not yet focused.

"Yeah? Ass-Kicker's a good name....right? "  I gave her a smile and gazed around the room, to see everyone doin the same right back.

Damn....that feels all kinds of fuckin fine to me!


I stayed in the tower and lay on her bed all night. Smellin her scent on the pillow. Sittin up now and then. Lookin through Nate's things that are laid out here and there.

Clothes and computer stuff. Pictures of her family....her old home. Everyone is happy and smilin. Loving, that's plain to see.

Without even thinkin, I pry one out of the little photo album. Of her, sittin alone in a field and smilin back at me....I pretend she is anyways. I stared at it for an age before tucking it carefully into the pocket of my pack.

Stumbled outside at dawn the next morning.

Down to where Glenn, Axel and Oscar had dug like....pseudo graves? Five of em, all empty but now filled in. Topped with boards carryin their names.

Lori, Carol, Beth, Theodore and Nate.

Knelt and put a Cherokee Rose atop Carol's. Then....I lay down in the dirt next to Nate's.

"Yer ain't here no more and I gotta live with that forever. But I ain't never gonna leave yer down there in the dark. Gonna look for yer....not gonna let yer stay lost in no damned cage no more!"

My face is wet, eyes stinging like crazy  😢


Such a world a hurt I ain't never felt the likes of before. Not even when Merle....

"Yer need to be with yer family....our family. I ain't never gonna stop until I find yer, Nate....I promise."

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