Chapter 16 - Sweat (Inner Circle)

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When we all reached the lobby, the vato's stole surreptitious glances at Guillermo and I. Expecting another volcanic eruption no doubt.

They gave each other smiles of relief once they realise it isn't going to happen.

"S'up ese?"  Eduardo asked,

"Will she come back to us?"

"Ask her yourself, E"  Guillermo responded with a wink.

"She won't bite you. No, on second thought? Maybe don't bet on that"  He added teasingly, trying to make me smile again.

Eduardo edged closer but stared at the ground as if he's found something fascinating to look at. He seems embarrassed, yet proud?

"We sent him out, got rid of him early this morning. Took him to the edge of the city and dumped him. Hervé, that is"  He mumbled.

"He shouldn't have done what he did to you. That's not how we treat women. Not before and not now....not ever."

I gazed down at the ground as well.

"Oh, but he's one of your family. I'm sor...."  I started, but Guillermo cut me off.

"Nate...."  He whispered in warning, anticipating I'm about to submit myself to another guilt trip.

Jeezus!  How can this man see right through me?  😮

I shut my mouth and Eduardo continued.

"Was an easy decision. The vato's....our family? We need you and Leo to stay with us. You're both good people that's plain to see. We all got to look out for each other now there aren't so many of us left. We don't got to look out for Hervé....he wasn't family."

"We got to look out for family!"

His words humbled me. These big tough guys never ceased to amaze.

I ducked my head, so I can look at his face.

"I say a big hell yeah to that, Eduardo. Thank you"  I smiled with leaky eyes.

Crikey! I'm just one big waterworks today.

We whipped around upon hearing another vehicle approach. The guys must've recognised the engine sound as they all visibly relaxed.

The car stopped and its occupants crept slowly into the lobby. Sensing something big has gone down?

Guillermo nodded to Jorge who gave a ghost of a smile. Leo came over and peered at me in question.

"You arrived just in time. We still have to pack up the tents and everything. You guys can help us  bring it all back."

Leo heard my emphasis on 'us'.

He put his hand on mine. Kissed me then started up the stairs. Jorge followed, pausing long enough to whisper....

"I'm sorry. Thank you....hermanita."

Little sister?  😲

"Nate? Come pack your own stuff. Then you can remain here and start loading the cars. E, you keep watch....stay in touch"  Guillermo ordered, holding out a walkie-talkie to Eduardo.

As he passed me going to the stairs, I felt a soft touch of his fingers against mine once more. Then it was gone.

Why the hell am I finding it hard to get my breath again? Have I suddenly developed asthma or something over the last day?


It took another two hours for everything to be brought down and stowed away. As I went to get into the Jeep? I noticed where I'd sat on our journey over is now crammed with tarpaulins.

I definitely  didn't put them there  🤔

So now I'm going to have to squash into the front seat between them and Guillermo.

Narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion as he held the driver's door open. He motioned for me to hop in....all the while smiling innocently.

So he thinks!

Yup, I can see through him sometimes too....just so you know.

It was a loooong  half-hour journey back, yet I so masochistically wished it'd take forever. Those raging whoremoans I once believed weren't gifted to me? Are finally revealing themselves with a vengeance.

Guillermo is sweaty from exertion and being so close to him is overloading my senses. Can feel myself getting very hot under the collar indeed.

I wriggled to try and put some space between his muscular body and mine, only it's hopeless. The more I squirm....the closer our contact becomes.

He chuckled under his breath and peered at me sideways with those damned sexy eyes of his. I gave up in defeat and embarrassment. Staying stock still and lowering my lashes in a last-ditch attempt at self-preservation.

"You seem uncomfortable, Chiquita"  He teased.

"Not much further now and we'll be home."

I whipped my eyes up to meet his.


Wow....big wow.

Never thought I'd hear that word again. I'm not sure how I feel about it....having only ever known one home for my whole life. Knowing I'll never see it again is still like a dagger piercing my heart.

 Once more, Mr Mind Reader seems to sense this.

"You never answered my question from yesterday, Nate."

"Ummmm  sorry. What was it....I don't recall one?"  I fibbed to myself as well as him.

"Why do your eyes change colour?"


Here he is, trying to change the subject and make me feel better. When it's doing anything but.

Telling him will mean he no longer has to use his sixth sense to know exactly how I'm feeling. All he'll have to do is look into my freaking eyes.

And for me? Looking into this man's eyes is quickly becoming very dangerous. Because I'm unwittingly giving him a piece of myself every time I do.


Sorry for the language my friends, but sometimes? Other words just ain't enough!


Ese (Spanish) - Dude, bro, man

Hermanita (Spanish) - Little sister

Crikey - Goodness gracious me

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