Part Eight: I'm Done

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They say that it's normal for every couple to fight and argue with each other, but what about if that's what they always do? What if there's no more conversing like normal human beings but rather, they're at each other's throats? And what if, you and your partner aren't the only ones caught in the middle of it but also, your four year old daughter?

After the night that Izzy found both of her parents arguing, one would've thought that the couple would have tried for their daughter, but they didn't. Their relationship only seemed to have gotten a lot worse. To the point that Lauren was having not only thoughts but she even spoke to her attorney about filing for a divorce and custody of Izzy.

"So, I need to ask there any chance of reconciliation?" Lauren's attorney questioned as she flipped through the documents her client presented to her. It was only mandatory for her to ask that, instead of simply filing for the divorce.

Lauren sighed heavily and ran her hand through her hair messily. "I...don't know, Normani. We've been going to therapy for a few weeks now and that doesn't seem to be helping. Dr Briggs is very skilled, but I don't think my wife was even trying. Now, all she does is try to pick a fight with me, and its affecting our daughter. I'm not just doing this for me..."

The woman nodded. "I understand, Lauren. But is this what Camila wants? Is this what the both of you want?"

Normani had known Lauren for quite a number of years; they met in her final year of college. She had never met Camila due to their both heavy workload, but from what she knew, the couple was to be envied. As an attorney, she was supposed to respect her client's wishes, but as Lauren's friend for many years, she couldn't simply allow her friend to end her marriage and possibly ruin her life.

"Normani, I didn't come here as your friend, I came here as a client. Please. I'm tired of the constant fighting, I'm tired of crying every single night, I'm tired of being the only one trying. I know at one point she wanted this marriage to work out, but all she manages to do now, is bring up what happened between Hailee and I," she mumbled. Normani looked at her friend sympathetically. "I can't put Izzy through this. I can't hurt my daughter. I love, Camila with all my heart, but..." her voice started breaking. "But we're breaking both our hearts by staying in a marriage that's going nowhere."

The woman's attorney sighed. She had never seen her friend like this before. Their marriage had seemed strong, but no one really knows what goes on behind close doors. Not every smile someone portrays is genuine, not everyone means it when they say 'I'll never hurt you' and sometimes it's not always easy to forgive the ones you love.

"Okay, Lauren. I'll have the documents ready for you before the ending of the week. I'll call you and we'll set up an appointment for the both of you to sign the papers. But Emilia's custody will be a very long battle, that's if Camila isn't willing to give her up. However, you have the upper hand given that you're the more stable parent for her," Normani said as she skimmed through a document.

Lauren nodded. She hadn't expected to ever find herself sitting in a lawyer's office filing for a divorce, from the woman she was and still is so madly in love with. People may say that she cannot be in love with Camila if she had kissed another woman. Others may argue that she wasn't in the right frame of mind when she did it and it was simply just a kiss.

But the problem lies deeper than that.

Lauren had always felt inferior to Camila. In high school, she was always the more popular one, meanwhile Lauren only had a close knit group of friends. So, with Camila being famous and having all these celebrities around her, there was also rumours swirling around that she was cheating on her wife with various celebrities. Many of her wife's fans aka 'Minions' had shipped her with Ariana, and Lauren had observed their relationship over the years and felt like something was going on between the two.

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