Satan Himself

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[ Unknown Location ]

"Quit your whining!" One of the men threw Lance in front of the Devil.

"I want to go home!" Lance cried.

"I'm sure you do Lance, but I can't let you until I get what I want."

"What do you want then?" Lance asked.

The man took off his red and black mask and smiled at Lance.



"What's going on?" Cathy asked as everyone filed into the war room.

"We just got something." Matty said as she turned on the big screen.

"Please let me go!" Lance sobbed. Tears spilled from his eyes.

"I said SHUT UP!" The man smacked Lance with the back of his right hand. The boy became quiet.

The man picked up his mask and put it back on.

"I want 10 million dollars and I want Cathy Kane to bring it to me."

The screen then went dark.

"Why do I feel like I know him?" Cathy said silently.

"You know him?" Matty asked.

"I have this strange feeling that I do, but, I'm not 100% sure."


The Devil walked into another room. A man with a bag over his head was tied to a chair.

The Devil smiled and took the bag off of the man. He had grey hair and pale blue eyes. His face was somewhat wrinkled.

"Good morning." The Devil smiled.

"She won't do it, I know her, Cathy won't do it."

The Devil chuckled.

"Oh, after she sees you, she will."

The old man gulped.

"Are you ready to show your face again Steven?" The Devil had placed his hands on the back of the chair.

"You wouldn't dare..." Steven said with fear.

The Devil chuckled and looked over to one of his men.

"Bring the kid in."


"10 million dollars!" Jack exclaimed.

"Jack, chill out," Riley said, "we won't be giving him 10 million dollars."

Laughing suddenly filled the war room.

"Oh you will." The Devil said.

"Where's Lance!" Cathy growled.

"He's behind me." The camera moved towards the small child. Sitting next to him was an old man no one knew. Well, except for Cathy.

"Oh my god." Cathy gasped as she places her hands over her mouth.

"Did you miss him Catherine?" The Devil said, "I'm sure you did, after all, he did fake his death just to keep you safe."

Tears streamed down Cathy's face. This couldn't be real, it just couldn't.

"This is fake!" Cathy yelled.

"Is it?" The Devil asked.

The Devil tilted his head towards the old man, signaling him to speak.

"Cathy..." the old man said.

That sweet voice that Cathy had loved came flooding back into her head. The one that yelled at her, made jokes, and cared for her.

"You have 3 days until I call you back, you better have something ready for me." The Devil then ended the call.

"Cathy," Mac said, "who was that?"

Cathy took in a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"That was my dad." Cathy let a few more tears slide down her face. "He's alive."

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