Freddy V And It's For Vendetta

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The wedding is getting closer and closer and I feel terrible. It's like I'm missing a piece of me. I am missing a piece of me, and it's my friendships. My brotherhood. Why is it that the people closest to you have to do you wrong the most? How come it couldn't have been someone who isn't that close to be? How come it couldn't have been someone who I hate? The truth is I don't hate Jackson, I just hate what he did.

I mean I still do get the urge to beat his ass every time I see him but I don't hate him. We used to be so close when we were little. All 3 of us. And Erin, so all 4 of us.

"Freddy? Come and met our new neighbors." My mother called out. I put down my toys and rushed to the front door and saw 2 boys, a girl, and their parents standing behind them. I got behind my mom as she talked to them.

"This is my son, Freddy. Freddy? Say hello. Don't be rude." My mom said and all the other moms smiled. I stepped away from my mother and waved at everyone. My mom just laughed and  gently touched my shoulders.

"Freddy, take your new friends outside in the back to play while me and the adults talk." My mom moved aside and all the kids followed me to our backyard. Even though we just moved here my mom managed to put all of my toys out here and she installed a playground.

"You have so many toys." One of the boys said to me as the other boy and girl ran off to go play on the slide. "I like this one." The boy said as he picked up my favorite toy. "It's my favorite." I said to him as he sat down and admired it.

"I'm Jackson and I like dragons too."


"As you all know since Freddy has stopped coming to detention that means he isn't graduating." I bit my lip and everyone just shook their heads, in disapproval on Freddy's behalf. I thought that graduating meant something to him. I guess it never did.

"But I hope that doesn't mean that guys are going to leave too-" The door opened and Freddy walked in. Everyone's face sparked up and everyone got excited. "We thought you were leaving us." Mr. Miller said as Freddy sat down, away from me.

"Graduating is important to me. I wouldn't give it up for anything."

"Hi Freddy! Where's your dad?" 12 year old me asked as I saw Freddy and his mother entering the "Father Day Dance" at our school. Freddy smiled at his mom and she smiled back as her and my dad entered the dance, leaving us alone to talk.

"He left me and my mom when I was 5." Freddy said to me. That's so sad. Why would you do that to your child and wife? You have to be there for them. You have to protect them and show them that you love them no matter what.

"It was just so sudden. I was awoken by mom's crying. I got up from my bed and saw that he took most of everything. He was gone. My mom was so sad that she gathered all that we had, packed it in our car, and we just drove. It took my mom running out of gas in the middle of the night to realize that she had to plan. So we stayed in a hotel until she found our new house. It was in San Diego which was pretty far, but we made it. She made it."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Just know that no matter what, I'll always be there for you."

"Freddy!" I called out to him as he left the detention room, along with everyone else. He didn't stop walking. I let out a groan and walked to practice. Why am I such a bitch? All throughout practice I couldn't stop thinking about Freddy, and all of us and how things used to be. Back before we let the cliques and highschool ruin us. 

After practice I walked home and took the long way home. On my way home I stopped somewhere that held a special place in my heart. Freddy's old house.

"Mom? Can I go play with the new neighbor?" I asked my mom as I sat in the window, watching Jackson, Nick, and Erin go introduce themselves to the new neighbors. He was a boy with his mother and he had a lot of toys. I watched them move in and every time he walked inside of their house he had a different toy.

"Oh honey," My mom said as her and my dad stood behind me and watched them too. "We're far too busy to socialize. Maybe they'll come to our gathering we're having next week." My mom said to my dad and he cleared his throat. "I don't see why not. They seem like lovely people." My dad said and I pouted.

"Your gatherings are always for the adults and never for the children." I said as I crossed my arms across my chest, which made my parents laugh. My dad got down to my height and smiled at me. "This one will be different. They'll be children. I promise."

"Claire? Honey, is that you?" My dad asked as soon as I entered our house. I took off my shoes and walked into the kitchen to find him cooking. "Hi dad. Why are you cooking? Where are the maids?" I asked as I kissed his cheek like I always do.

"Your mother decided to treat them and take them out for all the hard work they do. So I'm making dinner. I hope you like pasta." I smiled at my dad as I sat down at the island and watched him cook. "I love pasta."

"So I was thinking that we should have a graduation party here with all your friends. What do you think?" Freddy won't even come if I do throw a party which means it'll be weird because it's going to be our last party together.

My dad turned to look at me and hear my answer. He can't know what I'm going through. "Yeah. That sounds nice." He smiled and turned back around to finish cooking the food. Freddy has to come. I really need to apologize to him.

"Claire?" I looked up from the counter and at my dad who was looking at me. "Whatever is on your mind, everything is going to be okay. Time will heal all wounds."

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