Say Less, No Say More Because I Love Your Voice

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"Future couple."  Claire said to me as we all watched Erin and Nick pick out books from the library. We were in the fourth grade and had to find a book for our weekly book reports. "Nick doesn't like Erin. He likes Tina." I said as I walked over to a stack of comic books.

"Well Tina isn't here right now. Erin is and they're really close. I think she likes him." Claire said to me as she followed me to the comic books. I turned around and smiled at her and she smiled back. She stopped following me once she found a book.

"Oh my god. They're here!" Claire called out. I dropped what I was looking at and rushed over to where she was along with everyone else. They were really here. I can't believe it.

"Is that the only one?" Nick asked as Claire held the only copy. Her mouth was wide open as she just nodded. This isn't good. "Well, who's reading it first?" I asked as I glanced at everyone. They all stopped looking at the book and at each other.

"Since I'm holding it..." Claire started to say, but we all stopped her. "You read it first last." Jackson called out and I agreed with him. "It took you like 2 weeks to finish it." Nick said.

"Because I read it twice." Claire said and I just rolled my eyes. I really want to read that comic. I've been waiting for it for like a year now. I need to read it. "I'm reading it first!" I yelled out and started to reach for the book, but Claire held it back.

"No! I have it fair and square." Claire yelled out as we all tried to get at the book but she kept holding it up, higher and higher. Since Claire isn't that tall me and the other boys towered over her and I grabbed the book. Once I had it I ran away from everyone as the ran after me. I can't let them have this book.

I held the book with all of my life and ran full speed away from them. Since I wasn't looking where I was going I ran into a bookshelf and I fell down and it fell down right next to me.

"Graduation, luncheon, your bestfriend's wedding. You sound really busy." My mom said to me as I sat on the couch in our basement. "I'm not going to the wedding." I said as she started to leave the basement. I hoped that she didn't hear me, but she did and turned back around and sat down next to me.

"I know you're still upset at Jackson, but you can't put Nick through that. He needs you on his big day." I hate to not be there for Nick, but I really can't be around Jackson. I started to get up from the couch but my mom stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Forgive but never forget."

"Where is dad?" I asked my mom as I stared at the time. He should have picked us up by now. Why isn't he here? "He's probably at home. We'll have to walk." And so we walked. The whole time I was afraid that something bad had happened to my dad. I really hope he's okay.

"The car is here." My mom said as we walked towards the house. He's home then. Why didn't he come and pick us up then? My mom opened the front door and called for my dad. I followed right behind her and noticed that something wasn't right.

"Dave!" She yelled out and then I noticed. Our stuff was gone and so was dad. What happened? "Mom? Where is dad?" I asked her. I walked into the kitchen where she was reading a piece of paper. Once she finished reading it she folded it up and put it in her pocket.

"He left us." Is he coming back? Where is he? Why did he leave? "Our you leaving too?" She started to cry and she rushed over to hug me. "I'll never leave you, baby." I started to cry too as I hugged her back. "Forgive, but never forget."

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