Chapter 2

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The hobby craft bill came to 40 quid, which is a lot for a student and for a crappy school project which i doubt my dad will give me any money fo. But to be honest i spend more on my materials but my college pays so that so i don't really think about it. I dumped the bags in the boot and jumped in the drivers seat of my clio. I loved my car, she was my baby. Yes she's a she and she's called Betty okay? I started the engine and flicked through the radio stations until i found Capital FM. It was playing the end of Laserlight by Jessie J. I liked her, she had raw talent and could really sing but i reckon that song would sound a lot better in a club it's such a tune and shit, with that bass it would be crazy in concert. Anyway i was just pulling into the drive of my house when my phone buzzed, 

07******30- Jessie
Hi Kayla, it's Jessica, just checking you hadn't given me a false number or anything ;) xx

I laughed and tapped a reply, 

07******88- Kayla
Elo Jessica, nope i definitely gave you the right number don't worry! X

I smiled and hit send. I swung the car door open and hopped out, grabbed the bags, walked up the steps to my front door unlocked it and staggered in, £40 worth of art shit weighing me down. I threw my keys in the bowl by the door and shouted up the stairs,

"Dad, Maisy i'm home. Maisy come and get your stuff babe." 

Maisy came thundering down the stairs and beamed at me before rummaging though the bag. Even though 10 years younger than me, i could see the resemblances between us. Freckly, button nose, long wavy mousy brown hair. We looked like our mother, with little recollection of our father. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I walked into the living room where my dad was asleep of the sofa, i couldn't really be bothered to wake him up because he'd only end up being arsey so i left him to it. It was 5:45pm so i thought it was about dinner time, i mean my belly was rumbling so i guess that was a good sign. I opened the freezer and pulled out frozen lasganga that we'd orginally had last week.

"Mais' we're having lasganga for dinner." I yelled, hoping to wake my dad so i wouldn't have to wake him later. 

"Yeah whatever!" She yelled back, charming.

I stuck the block of frozen pasta in the microwave and let it defrost for 20mins. I leant against the kitchen island and pulled out my phone. I had 2 messages from Jessica.

07*******30- Jessie
Good cos they do shit like that in desperate housewives! Lol x 

I rolled my eyes at how different desperate housewives was to real life. I opened the next text.

07*******30- Jessie
Are you free tomorrow babe? xx

The message was sent 10 mins ago and if she anything like me waiting 10 mins for a reply is tense.

07******88- Kayla
Is tomorrow saturday? If it is the yes i am! x

Jessica replied almost immediately,

07*******30- Jessie
Yes babe it's friday today ;) and great! Text me your address, i'll pick you up tomorrow at 1ish? xx

That was the second time she called me babe and it made my stomach do flips. I asked where we were going but she said she wouldn't tell me, it was a surprise. I rolled my eyes typed my address and grinned at my phone.

"Ooo Kayla who you smiling at? Someone sent you a cute text?" Maisy said, walking into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes, "i dunno what you're talking about, squirt"

"Oh shut up yes you do! Is it a girl or a boy this time?" 

I laughed at her question, i loved how okay my baby sister was about me being bi-sexual, as were a lot of my friends, once they realised i was exactly the same person i just like kissing girls sometimes they were cool. 

"It's no one so shush..."I said turning away from her so she couldn't see the fat grin on my face. 

Learn how to lie better is definitely up there with my must do's in life.

"Okay whatever," maisy said, shrugging her shoulders,"I've got some maths to do, when's dinner?" 

"When it's ready" i said walking out of the kitchen and into my room.

I threw myself onto the bed and stared up at ceiling. Fuck me, i was going out with the most beautiful girl ever tomorrow. Ergh i couldn't stop thinking about her smile and laugh and oh my god she was just so cute. I couldn't wait to see her again and find out who she really was. And also to work out why i had that nagging feeling in my head that i knew her. 

I lay on my bed for a couple of minutes wrapped in my own thoughts when i heard the microwave beep. DINNER! I was  starving, i literally sprinted downstairs and grabbed the lasagna. I cut it into 3 chunks and grabbed the salad from the fridge, dolloping a handful of it each plates. Not very graceful i know but i'm eating the food that's on the plate in a couple if minutes so who gives a shit what it looks like? Answer: not me. 

I left the dirty dishes on the side for my dad to clean or put in the dishwasher or whatever seeing as i had just cooked dinner. Well technically i did cook dinner because i made the lasagna a couple of weeks ago so yeah. Up in my room again i was standing in front of ny wardrobe with both doors wide open, just staring at my clothes. 

"K are you even listening to me?" My best friend Harriet groaned down the phone.

I laughed, put the phone on my dressing table and put it on loud speaker.

"No sorry hun what was that again?" I said innocently, i heard her sigh loudly. 

"Did Jessica tell you where she was taking you?" Of course i told her about the date i  had to tell someone!

"No! Raahhh, Harri what the hell do i wear to go to the unknown? Do i go in jeans and t-shirt but then that's too casual and looks like i don't give a shit, but if i go heels and a big-" 

"Oh god kayla i have the best outfit!" 

Harriet near enough screeched down the phone making the speakers crackle a bit and cutting off my ramble. 

"Well tell me then bitch!" I yelled back, 

"That midi dress! You know the one you bought last week for your aunts birthday but you went to the beach instead of for a meal...?" 

I pulled the dress out of the wardrobe. It was white with a blue aztecky sort of print on it and clung nicely to my size 8 frame.

"You my friend, are an actual genius. I salute you" i said, 

Harriet lauged, "Well at least one of us has brains"

"Oi!" I scolded, "i was being nice" 

"Yeah yeah whatever, look K i've got to go i've still got a shit load of art to do. Wear that dress with you blue Puma Suedes and your Topshop frilly socks, you'll look amaze! Call me after and tell me how it goes beauts, bye!"

I left my phone on my dresser after she disconnected the call and hung my dress on the outside of my wardrobe door and decided that i probaby should check with Jessica what the appropiate dress code was.

07*******88- Kayla 
Jessica. You won't tell me where we are going but at least give me a hint of what to wear. I was thinking a midi dress, yay or nay? x

I left my phone on the side, got ready for bed and fell asleep almost instantly. 

It will get more interesting I promise 

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