Chapter 30

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"Bye New York" she waved solemnly at JFK airport, I linked our fingers and pulled her onto the plane like a kid.

"Why aren't you sad, Kid?" Jessie asked as we settled into our seats, not on a private jet this time much to my dismay.

"We had a mini funeral for our week in NYC in the hotel room baby," I snuck my nose in the crook of her neck and sucked on her earlobe, "and I must admit I had a hell of a time at the wake"

Jessie blushed at the thought of our final half an hour in our hotel room, she shook me off her and I smirked, leaning back on my seat. The plane started to take off and I clutched tightly on Jessie's hand. It was fine once we were in the air but take off and landing weren't really my thing.

When the seat belt signs flicked off I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my kindle from my bag in the overhead locker and ripped open the complimentary package they gave you on long haul flights. I wrapped myself in the blanket, crossed my legs and started reading. Bliss. After about 10 minutes, Jessie silence was making me slightly uncomfortable. I glanced over to her. She was sat playing Tetris on the personal computer screen. Her face was screwed up in concentration as the shapes fell quickly, I had to hand it to her, she was doing well. She had her earphones in her ears, I took one out and stuck in my own ear. Wild filled my ears. I scoffed at her.

"You're listening to your own album?" I laughed,

Jessie didn't take her eyes of the screen, "Shut up. It's exciting for me"

"You're strange"

"Fuck you" she said, I wasn't entirely sure if she was talking to me or the game.

"You do know they have a Whitney album on here?"

Jessie's head snapped away from the game, "Are you serious?!" She gasped

I giggled, "No... I just wanted to see you lose" I smirked, gesturing to her 'game over'

Jessie gasped, "You bitch! I was doing so well! I actually hate you..."

I bit down on my lip to stop from smiling, she did look pissed, "They say there's a thin line between love and hate"

"You're a loser"

"You're perfect"

"Shut up" she retorted, fighting a smile,

"I love you" I whispered, kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, I suppose I love you too" she sighed

"You suppose?" I quizzed and Jessie grinned at me, I rolled my eyes and rested my head on her shoulder. Jessie selected the film 'Identity Thief' and popped her ear phones back in. I shuffled the music on my phone and started to read again. Jessie unwrapped the blanket from round my shoulders and chucked it over the both of us. I felt her sigh contently and I linked our fingers under the blanket.

"I don't want to go home Kay" she spoke up, "this week has been perfect, just you and I, I don't want it to end"

I smiled, "it doesn't have to end baby, I'm not going anywhere"




I shuffled protectively next to Jessie as she signed various bits for her fans and shot dirty looks to the paps that were getting a little close for my liking. Jessie had a false smile plastered all over her face and I didn't blame her. She had 8 hours of plane journey hanging over her; she had no makeup on and her short blonde hair was fluffy and un-styled. I thought she looked beautiful and her heartbeats kept calling her perfect but Jessie knew that the prying eyes of the media wouldn't be so kind. I put my hand on the small of her back as a way to calm her down, Jessie smiled thankfully.

"Who's this Jessie?" One girl asked, gesturing to me. Jessie ignored her question and thanked her for the support, signed her phone case and moved on, hoping no one else would notice- but they did. Suddenly it was as if we were surrounding by seagulls, all the paps flocked towards us, their flashes blinding my eyes.

"Who is this Jessie? Who's this girl Jessie? What's her name? How did you meet? Who is this?" The questions were relentless. Jessie's eyes went wide and she looked at me panicked.

"I'm part of Jessie's management thank you very much and I would appreciate it if you allowed Miss Cornish her personal space" I snapped at a large, burley man who had his camera in Jessie's face.

"Is this your girlfriend Jessie?" A boy at the barrier asked his eyes eager. I could see Jessie getting uncomfortable and Mark began to usher us quickly towards the car. Behind us, Holly and Alisha bought up the rear of the chauffeured group we found ourselves in. Her fans screamed goodbye and the paps tapped their camera lenses up against the blacked out windows, desperate for that final photo.

Still flustered and confused I felt Jessie pull me on to the floor of the car. I looked at her unaware of what was happening.

"Just hide" she whispered at me. I cowered into the corner of the foot well and whacked my head against the passenger seat as the car hurtled away from the airport.

Holly and Alisha stared out of the windows solemnly, Mark was shouting down the phone about something and I heard the click of Jessie's iPhone locking before the quiet sounds of her sobs. I tried to comfort her but my head was still spinning and I could still see white flashes spotted across my vision.

Welcome home.

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