Chapter 40

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I dropped my roller on the floor, paint went everywhere and Harriet yelped as it splashed on her leg.

"Maisy are you crazy?!" I snapped at her,

"Please you don't have to see her just-" Maisy tried,

"No Maisy! Why would you even ask me? I've just broken up the girl for pitty's sake, I'm not about to go to her Meet and Greet and see her perform songs that she was writting when she was with me, or that are about me, for christ sakes Maisy!" I yelled at her, my arms flying everywhere.

Tears were beginning to build up in the girl's eyes, "Please Kayla, I know that you're not with her but I want to go see her perform because I like her music,"

"I could take her?" Harriet suggested, the daggers that I threw at her could have pinned her to the wall.

"No!" I yelled, "Maisy you're not going to her concert, thats the end of it!"

Maisy wiped angry tears from her cheeks and I swear I'd never seen this side of her, "I hate you sometimes you know, you're so selfish! Just because you messed it up with Jessie doesn't mean I can't like her music. I hate you, I wish mum was still here, she would have taken me and not been such a bitch about it!" She screamed at me, she turned on her heels and ran out of my room, slamming the door behind her. A photo of the two of us that was hanging on the wall next to it fell onto the floor and shattered into tiny pieces. Figures. In the almost 5 years since my mum had passed I'd never seen Maisy lash out like that. I'd been so wrapped up in my own little world that I'd missed my baby sister's tranistion from innocent flower into bratty teenager.

I sunk to the floor and hung my head between my knees, suddenly exhuasted and rubbed my temples. Harriet sat beside me and sighed heavily.

"You know she's right don't you?"

"Of course I do, but I still don't want her going"

"Why? Why is to so bad that she wants to go see her perform?"

"Because it's Jess, if Maisy goes then that's one more time that she's seen her than I have," I shrugged,

"Then go with her," Harriet said, nudging into me, "Go and see her, go and talk to Jessie"

I sighed deeply, "She obviously doesn't want to see me, else she would have called or something,"

"But you want to see her! One of you has to cave first Kayla and seeing as you were the one who 'messed it up' I think you should be the bigger person and at least try to sort it out,"

I knew she was right, I really did but the thought of seeing Jessie sent shivers down my spine, I needed to see her. I needed to see if she was OK, I needed the touch of her skin against mine again, I craved it. I still had a key to her house, I wasn't ready to let go of her, of us. If she wasn't answering my calls and my texts then there was only one way that I'd get her to listen to me. I'd have to go see her.

"I really miss her H," I whispered, "I hate that it's been so easy for her to cut me off. Did I not mean anything to her?"

"You meant the world to her, Kayla, but you really hurt her and it's going to take her a long time to forgive you," I sighed at my best friend's honesty, "But it's not going to get any better if you don't go and see her, you have to talk to her babe."

I lent against her shoulder and fiddled with the sleeves of my jumper. I hated how Harriet was right, but honestly she was on repeating what my heart knew but my head refused to believe. I need to start following my heart more, it had the right idea most of the time.

"I need to get apologise to Maisy," I nodded, pulling myself up off the floor, "Thanks, H, as much as I hate to admit it, you are usually right," Harriet grinned and threw a cloth at me.

"It's good to have you back, bitch"

I knocked lightly on Maisy's door and pushed it open slightly, I could hear her sniffing on her bed and I saw her lying, facing the wall, curled up in the foetus position.

"Mais'? Are you ok babe?"

"I'm fine,' she sniffed,

"I'm sorry Maisy, I over reacted. I shouldn't have shouted" I whispered, Maisy sat up and her face contorted into sadness. She burst into a heavy round of tears and hung her head heavily, her shoulders shrugging up and down with grief. I jumped onto her bed and pulled her into me, letting her sob on my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my waist and clung to me to like a koala does to it's mother. I could feel her shaking with saddness. I was powerless. I try so hard to keep her happy and keep her sane and because she can smile I convince myself she's ok.

I've been doing the same thing I hate people doing to me, I'm ignoring her sadness.

"I miss mum, Kayla, I really, really miss her," She sobbed,

"I know you do baby, I know. But she's watching over us and keeping us safe. She's our angel now." I consoled her,

"I don't want an angel, I want my mummy" She wailed, she words cut me like a knife because I felt her pain. We both been shot by the same bullet and were trying our hardest to fix the whole it had left. The hole they say gets smaller but never actually heals. I wish sometimes it would heal, it might make waking up easier then. I held onto Maisy until her breaths had calmed and she was quiet, I stroked her hair and kissed her on the top of her head. The grip she had on my T-Shirt loosened slightly and she became heavy in my arms. I shook her lightly to try and wake her up because I didn't want her to remember crying herself to see tomorrow morning but I didn't have any luck. When I pulled her chin up slighly her lips were pursed and her wet eyelashes tickled her cheek. She looked peaceful, so I left her. I kissed her lightly on the forehead and lay her down on the bed. I pulled her jeans down her legs and folded the up on her dressing table, I covered her in the duvet and stroked her cheek. I sighed lightly and walked quietly out of her room, flicking the light off and as I closed the door behind me I said a little to prayer to a God that, honestly, I don't believe in, that Maisy would dream sweetly tonight and that all her pain would vanish. She didn't deserve this life, no one did.

Of course, I was selfish too and prayed that tomorrow would go ok. It had to, because I knew that this was my last chance to get Jessie back.

A/n- Maisy's going to become a bigger character in this story soon and you all have Rosie (HighOnJessica) to thank :)

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