Chapter 6

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 Massive shoutout to Rosie (@HighOnJessie) for sending me a beautiful parcel with lovely things in it, it really made me smile. This one's for you.

"Kay, say something," She whispered looking down at her hands. "I know this is soon but I can't help it. I can't help how I feel about you. I've fallen in love with you."

A smile crept on my lips. She loved me too? Was this real life or was she having me on? This beautiful, talented, hilarious, kind-hearted woman who made my heart do flips every time she smiled or laughed or even touched me. Jessie loved me back. She was my soul mate. 

"Jess, look at me," I said, lifting her face up by her chin. 
"I love you too" 

"Don't say that just because I did, it's okay if you're not where I am I just wan-" 

I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"Jessie, I think, no wait I know... Fucks sake I’m so shit at this stuff" Jessie giggled at my dickheadness, "What I’m trying to say is that I'm in love with you" 

Jessie grinned, "You serious?" 

"Yes beautiful, I love you; I've fallen for your idiocy." 

She kissed me tenderly, savouring the moment. The kitchen timer beeped. She groaned, pushing herself off the sofa and walking into the kitchen, still grinning furiously. I was about to follow her when my phone buzzed. 

"How's it going KK?" Harriet asked down the phone, 

"What's up H?" 

"You busy tomorrow? Please, please, please say you're not." 

"I think I am, sorry" 

"NO!" She shrieked down the phone, I cringed and pulled it away from my ear. 

"I'm busy Harriet, sorry" I looked over to the kitchen to see Jessie standing in the doorway, leaning seductively against the frame. I felt a shiver go up my spine. 

"Kayla please, I’m bored out of my fucking mind. Summer is dragging and my hands hurt from painting. Oi, remind me again why I thought doing an art degree would be a good idea?" 

I giggled at Harriet's tone.

'Who is it?' Jessie mouthed at me, 
'My friend' I mouthed back,

"Kayla are you even listening to me?" Harriet snapped,

"Yeah, yeah I am sorry."

"So I was thinking Costa tomorrow at say, like, 1?"

"Harriet I told you I can't do anything tomorrow!" I groaned,

'Its fine, you can if you want' Jessie whispered at me.

"What are you doing then miss popularity" she scoffed, 

Okay, think this through. Do not use the word friend. Do not use the word friend. Do not-

"I'm with a friend,"

Fuck. Why did I do that? I heard Jessie sigh deeply and she walked back into the kitchen. I'm such an idiot, I just said I loved her and now I've called her 'a friend.' Mind fuck. But then, she did the same to me. But that was before the whole I love you thing. 

"A friend?" Harriet asked, her tone unimpressed. 

"Look Harriet, I’m at Jessie’s at the moment," I began, she gasped and squealed down the phone, "and I kind of wanted to spend the day with her you know. Is that okay?!" I finished. Obviously my question was rhetorical but Harriet felt the need to answer it.

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