Chapter 27

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This is a long chapter so love me :))

When Jessie's alarm went the next morning I sprung out of bed and whipped the curtains open. Even the splitting headache I had from last night wasn't going to ruin this day.

New York.

Jessie moaned loudly and squashed a pillow over her head. I rolled my eyes and dropped the sheet that I had wrapped around my chest. Naked, I searched for my clothes in my suitcase, taking a lot longer than necessary making a show for Jess. It had the desired effect and before long I felt her presence behind me. Our lips met and she kissed me passionately, our bare chests mashed together. Jessie pulled away first and linked our fingers.

"Come back to bed kid" she whined, "I just want to cuddle you all day"

I bet down on my bottom lip, as much as that offer sounded veerrrryyyy enticing I wanted to go meet Libby.

I kissed her quickly and spoke as I got changed, "you said we could go sightseeing- so sightseeing it is."

Jessie grumbled something but got out of bed anyway. As I was slipping into my shorts I heard the shower turn on and Jessie step into it. I dropped my clothes and without hesitation slid into the shower with her.

Alisha decided to come sightseeing with us today because Holly was choreographing Jessie's BVs for a promo performance Jessie was doing in a couple of days and the boys were at a nicks game so she was on her own. The 3 of us were queuing to get on the boat to take us round the statue and Ellis island- we'd decided not to actually go up the statue because there wasn't much time and we had a lot to do. I did point out that if we had let Cez sort us out some security to get us skip the queue then we'd have time to go up it but Jessie insisted that she wanted to be normal because she couldn't be normal and queue at home. (Why anyone would want to queue is beyond me but that's Jess for you)- Jessie and Alisha were nattering about how the last time Jess was in New York she was working in WYA and filming Dare Jessie J.

I rested my arms on the rails and looked out to the sea and to where Libby was standing. It was one of those breath-taking moments where you see something that you've only seen in pictures slap bang in front of you. New York was always somewhere that I wanted to go and I felt blessed that Jessie had given me the opportunity. No. I felt blessed that I had Jessie. I didn't act like it sometimes but I was so in love with her. In love with everything about her; her smile, her dimples, her eyes and her freaking legs wooahh.

Jessie smacked my bum to signal that we were moving, us and about 50 other people filtered through the barrier onto the boat. I ran ahead like a kid to get the best seats and lay across them protectively until Jessie and Alisha appeared behind the mass of people that were shooting me funny looks. Jessie rolled her eyes as she sat down Alisha was stifling a laugh.

"You actually sprinted over here, I think you pushed a man over" Alisha scolded,

"So embarrassing..." Jessie muttered,

I gave them the finger and crossed my legs on the seat. I didn't care. I was going to see Libby.


"And then we went up the empire state building and the whole of the city looked like the Lego ones is Lego land." Kayla gushed down the phone to Maisy, "I'll have to bring you out here one day Mais, I'll save up and take you and grams."

She mothered Maisy in a way that wasn't smothering. The 10 year age gap was a nice gap. I doubt there were as many arguments as there was between my sisters when we were younger. The thing with Kayla was she tries too hard to be a mother. She tries to be a supportive figure for Maisy and forgets that she needs some support and love too sometimes.

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