Chapter 4

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The next couple of weeks went pretty quickly, and very quietly. I went on a few more 'dates' with Jessie, which all had gone really well and I was really starting to fall for her and had helped maisy finish her project (with 4 weeks to spare might i just add.. Kayla= best sister) but apart from that I'd spent most of it cooped up in my room painting a canvus. College had given us a shit load of work to do during our 6 week holiday but luckily we were allowed to actually go in to do some of it so i'm going to end up spending my summer in school... Great. Don't get me wrong, I loved drawing but I can sometimes get boring and can take so long! 

While painting i listened to Jessie's album. I listened to it te whole thing at least twice and then listened to certain songs more. Big white room and L.O.V.E were my favourite. From the other side of the room my phone started buzzing. I looked at the caller ID and it was my grandmother. I smiled and picked up the phone. 

"Hi Grammy!" 

My Grammy was the closest family is member I have left. My mum's mother she practically raised me. Maisy and I spent almost every summer down at hers. She lived on a farm, with a big house, fields, animals and a barn. I used to spend hours riding the horses through the fields, especially after my mum died. It helped me think. I still spoke to Grammy at least once a week and Maisy still went up to her house during summer. 

"Hello Kayla Kat, how are you sweets?" 

She asked. I rolled my eyes and cringed at the nick-name.

"Gram, you remember when we agreed that sweets was a good name, but Kayla kat wasn't? I mean I know you're getting old and all but-" 

"Stop right there Kayla you cheeky so and so, I may be getting old but i'm not crazy..." 

"Yet.." I laughed. 

I spent about 71 minutes (yes I checked) on the phone to my Gram and we organised for me and Maisy to go down to hers in a few weeks for the weekend. 

"That would be perfect Grams, it would be lovely to see you. Listen, I've got to go, so.. I'll call you next week okay?" 

"Okay sweets,  love you lots" 

"Love you too Grams" 

And with that the line disconnected. 
I had 6 messages from Jessie.

07******30 (17:21pm) - Jessie
Hey babe, i'm sorry i've been so busy working. I've really missed you. Dinner tonight? 

07******30 - (17:59pm) - Jessie
Kayla! Dinner tonight?

07******30 - (18:04pm)

07*******30 - (18:07pm) - Jessie 

07******30 - (18:16pm)
Right i know where you live so if you don't call me in 10 minutes i'm coming to pick you up. 

I laughed and looked at the time on my phone. It read 18:42. Oops. I dialled Jessie's number, thinking she wouldn't actually be in the car. 

"Hello?" Her voice sounded distant and slightly crackled. 


"Who's this?"

"Jessie it's me Kayla, where are you?"

I heard Jessie laugh, "in the car babe. I told you I was going to come and pick you up if you didn't answer my texts!" 

My eyes went wide, "What?! I didn't think you were actually serious? How long are you going to be?"

"About two minutes," I could hear the smirk in her voice. 

"Jess! Seriously? I can't go out tonight..."

"I don't care." She said simply, 

I groaned loudly and Jessie giggled. 

"Okay fine do you just want to come back to mine? It's only about half an hour away and you can stay over if you want?" 

At that moment, Maisy knocked on my door. 

"Hang on a sec Jessie, my sister-"

"Oh sorry Kayla. I was just wondering if i could go to Julia's tonight? Her mum will pick me and up and everything an-"

"Yep beauts that's fine. Perfect actually!" 

Well this has all worked out well, I didn't really like the idea of Maisy staying home alone with my dad for long periods of time. He could be very unpredictable at times. I could hear Jessie talking down the end of the phone. Maisy thanked me and scuttled out of the room as I held my phone up to my ear again.

"Sorry Jess what was that?"

"Nothing babe, just talking to myself..."

"Your nuts,"

"and I'm outside" she almost sang

"Shit!" I shouted down the phone, "Jessie, please, I look like shit."

"Babe I don't care."

I heard the doorbell ring and I ended the call.

"SOMEONE ANSWER THE FUCKING DOOR" I heard my dad bellow from the living room... 

Nice, couldn't be asked to get his fat arse off his chair for two seconds to answer the door. I heard Maisy and Jessie exchanged small talk and the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Shit. I had paint and pastal marks all up my arms and on my face. My blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun and was pushed back even further off my face by a white bandana. I was wearing grey Nike joggers and a baggy white t-shirt. One that I'd stolen from my dad a few months ago. Both of which were splatted with paint. I look like someone had eaten a load of skittles and thrown up on me. 

There was a small knock on my door and Maisy's head popped round. Her eyes wide and face white. 

"Um, Kayla. Jessie J was at the door and she was asking for you... So I er, bought her up here."

"What?!" I shrieked, rushing round my room, kicking clothes under my bed and attempting to pick up my art work. I threw a pair of jeans over a sculpture i was making so she couldn't see it. I don't know why but i didn't want her seeing my art work, not when it was unfinished anyway. I took one look at my self in the mirror and swore loudly. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I whipped round to see Jessie standing in my bedroom doorway, looking beautiful.

"Paint explosion babe?" Jessie sniggered behind me. She walked into my room and took a look around at the walls. Paying special attention to my feature wall which had a least 100 photos on it, some from me as a kid and some really recent ones from Uni. She smiled slightly when she saw the picture of me and my mum taken about 2 months before she'd died.

I ignored her analysis of my room and shot evils at her. 

"I told you I can't go out!"

Jessie pulled her gaze from the wall and looked me up and down. She didn't responded to my comment with anything but a roll of her eyes, 

"You haven't introduced me to your goldfish." She giggled, gesturing to Maisy who was staring at Jessie with her mouth wide open.

"Maisy..." I said, snapping Maisy out of her mini trance. "Mais' this is Jessie, Jessie this is my baby sister Maisy." 

Maisy extended her arm to Jessie and she pulled her into a hug. 

"It's nice to meet you Maisy." She pulled away, "can you promise me something?" 
Maisy nodded eagerly.

"Don't tell anyone I'm here okay? I don't want knowing the me and Kayla are..." 

"Are what?" Maisy asked, raising her eyebrows. Cheeky mare. But I was slightly intrigued at jessie answer.

"That we're friends." 

Even Maisy's expression deflated slightly so mine must have fallen like a bouncy castle with a hole in it. It's nice too know that you're friend zoned. I mean, I wasn't expecting to be hearing wedding bells anytime soon but it would be nice to lnow that we heading somewhere. 

"Maisy can you go away now please" i said, smiling sickly sweetly. Jessie noticed the change in my attitude and knotted her forhead slightly before smiling at Maisy.

"It was nice meeting you Maisy, I'll have to get to know you one day."

"I'd like that. I'll see you tomorrow Kayla, Julia's mum will be here soon." 

She shot me a "there's something fishy going on here look" and shut the door behind her. Brill, I was being sniffed out by my baby sister.. Not cool

Jessie placed her hand on my cheek., "Babe you look distracted what is it?" 

I've just been called a friend by the person I thought I was dating. But no biggie.

"Nothing Jessie it's fine."


"Do i need to get changed or are we just staying at yours?" I asked changing the subject.

She smirked, "stay as you are. It's hot." 

"I'm covered in paint. Look i'll be 2 minutes I ju-" 

Jessie smothered my lips with hers, "Can we just go? I've really missed you."

She kissed me over and over again until i agreed. 

Friends don't do this right?

OOOOO! I have my final exam tomorrow and once thats done I can do so much more writing yay! :)

Climax (JESSIE J)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن