Chapter 35

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"We like to drink with Kayla, cause Kayla is our friend, and when we drink with Kayla she downs it all in 10, 9, 8..."

The cocktail burned my throat as it gulped it down quickly and I slammed the plastic cup down on the table as they got to 3. Harriet, Rosie, Katie and a bunch of random guys Katie (blonde hair, baby blue eyes and the biggest tits known to man) had bought over to buy us drinks all cheered as I got up and took a bow. As I slumped into the booth again I could feel the booze flooding to my head already. I say already. I was 3 shots and 2 cocktails in. I looked over to Harriet who was necking on with the bartender, I nudged Katie sloppiy and we all hooted at her. She gave us the finger and carried on, making the 3 of us laugh.

Rosie span round to me and clapped her hands in my face.

"SO! Jessie J 'ey you cheeky bitch" she shreiked,

"You kept that one rather quiet" Katie winked, throwing another shot down her throat.

"Well it hasn't been long, but yeah Jessie J" I grinned blushing hard,

"You're shagging Jessie J?" One of the boys asked, his voice mocking

"No." I snapped, "I'm not shagging her she's my girlfriend"

"What one's Jessie J?" Another asked,

"She's the dyke with the legs. The one that shaved her hair off"

"She shaved it off? I thought she had cancer or sommit" Another snickered, the boys continued to toy with Jessie's name and my blood began to boil.

"You shut the fuck up" I yelled and pounced over the table, knocking the glasses onto the floor. My fist connected with the smaller guys face and he staggered backwards. I screamed and my arms smacked into his chest rapidly. I could hear Harriet shouting something behind me but I couldn't hear her, all I could see was red.

I lurched forward again but tripped slightly over a stool I'd thrown over a moment ago, my face hit the floor and before the pain from smacking my nose down on the hard ground could register in my body I was yanked up by my hair. My head burnt as I flounded like a fish in an attempt to escape his grip. I bought my knee up roughly and the bones collided with his jewels. He grunted loudly and I fell out of his grip, slumping in a heap on the floor, again, I saw red. All my anger that has been building up over the past few days shot through my veins like venom, my arms felt restless and itchy and my head span as if I was flying around on a spinning roundabout.

If I hadn't been so drunk I probably would have stopped there, would have accepted that I had over reacted walked out of the club. If I hadn't have been so drunk I wouldn't have attacked him again, I would have kept my hands to myself and not connected my fist roughly again with his jaw. If I hadn't have been so drunk I wouldn't have ended up in a jail cell that night, I would have woken up in Jessie's bed instead.

But I was drunk.

The last thing I remember was the sound of my heels dragging against the concrete and how surprisingly cold my metal bracelets were against my bloody wrists as I was hustled into the car with the red and blue lights.

I wish Jessie was here. 

dun dun duuuunnn.... 

let me know what y'all think 

sorry george :/ 

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