Chapter 3

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My alarm rang at 10:30, my alarm song was Justin Bieber, Baby, as i figured that if i had a song blast out that i hated i'd been quicker to turn it off. Makes sense. I grabbed my phone off the side and the brightness of it in my dark bedroom almost blinded me. I had an unread message from Jessica.

07*******30- Jessie

Definitely yay, a midi dress sounds perfect ;) xx

Her winky face at the end confused me. Was she joking? Like does that winky face mean 'sounds perfect, NAT" or was she laughing at the fact that I was worried about what to wear. Winky face?

Deciding I was reading far too much into this whole smiley thing I got and went for a shower. The hot water was nice on my tense muscles and it was the first time i'd actually realised how nervous I was about today. I mean we seemed alright in the shop but that was only a quick conversation, what if it's really awkward and there's nothing to say? Or, oh god, what if she doesn't like me or we just don't get on? Okay, woah, slow down there is no need to get worked up over this. She is just some random girl who i happen to have met... And asked me out... Fuck I was going to die. I've never dealt well with stress, anxiety attacks used to be a regular occurrence during my teens. I typed a text to Harriet.

07*****88- Kayla

I can't do this H i'm scared, is it too late to call and cancel?

Her reply was almost instant,

07*****15- Harriet


Well that was pretty blunt, thanks H. My phone buzzed again,

07*******15- Harriet

Listen kay, what have you got to lose? She sounds like a nice girl, you're a beauty so you never know this could be the start of something really special. Don't put to much pressure on yourself hun, be yourself and if she doesn't like it, fuck her and her mum.

I threw my head back and laughed at Harriet. I love my best friend. But she was right, i was being stupid and i should go.

2 hours later i was sat in the front room with dad snoring and maisy watching TV when i heard a car horn and my phone buzzed.

07******30- Jessie

I'm outside in the porche babe :) xx

I jumped up, my legs weak, said goodbye to Maisy and ran outside to the car. Jessie was sat in the drivers seat, her black hair short and waving and was wearing patterned trousers and a vest top. She had sunglasses over her eyes and had red lipstick on. Ergh she's gorgeous.

I frowned at her slightly, "jessie, why are you wearing sunglasses? It's cloudy."

Jessie laughed, "i didn't realise i was wearing them, sorry" but i didn't believe her. I don't know why.

"Where are we going?" I asked, fiddling the the label on my bag.

"Somewhere quiet and away from everyone" she said, smiling.

"Nice wheels by the way"

We were silent for a minute, not uncomfortable though, it was a nice silence. My mum always used to say "if silence is comfortable, you know you've found love." Jessie turned the radio down slightly when Radio One started playing Domino by Jessie J.

"Not like this song?" I asked, smirking at her instant reaction to it,

Jessie laughed, "naa it's alright, i just hear it too much."

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