Chapter 19

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"Babe, you're white as a ghost, what's wrong?" Jessie asked, holding my hand. We were sat in the back of her car on the way to the airport. It was 6pm and we'd spent most of the day packing.

"I'm just worried,"

"About what?"

I blushed, "it's so stupid, but I'm worried about meet Holly and Clair... What if they don't like me?!"

Jessie laughed, "Kayla! They are going to love you for god's sake! I can't believe you're worried about that. It's my fault for leaving it so long, I should have introduced you ages ago"

I sighed and looked out the window.

"Kay, it's going to be fine. Stop worrying. Remember what happened with Harriet, how worried I was and that went smoothly? That's exactly what's going to happen now"

I smiled tightly and nodded. Jessie and Holly had been friends forever, what if she didn't like me? She could make things very difficult for the two of us. And her band mates, oh god I can't do this... Why did I agree to this?!

"Where are we meeting everyone?" I asked.

"At the boarding gate probably. We get rushed through the airport because the paps so its easier to meet there."

I shuddered at the thought of the paps. I hadn't encountered them yet and I wasn't really looking forward to it.

When we pulled up to the airport I could see the flashes through the blacked out windows. But what shocked me was the screaming.

"How did they know you would be here?"

Jessie laughed, "I have no idea! My heartbeats have magical powers obviously!"

"Jessie, I'm scared." I whispered,

"Deep breaths, put these on" she handed me some sunglasses, "and walk straight inside. I'll be a couple of minutes while I sign some shit. Lets rumble."

Mark opened the door and I swear I ran as fast as I could inside. The flashes were really bright and the whole thing made me feel dizzy. Once inside the airport I looked back at Jessie. She looked so calm and collected. She signed loads of pictures and cards and posed for photos. Her smile was so beautiful. She made her way down the group of people, her hands moving quickly signing hundreds of bits of paper, shoes, receipts and even phones! When she got to the door she waved at all of her fans who screamed a goodbye. When Jessie got through the door her face was plastered with a cheesy grin. I wanted to take her hand in mine but we were being followed through the airport by various men with camera. Sunglasses still fixed over my eyes I walked briskly behind Mark and Jessie, clinging to my hand luggage with dear life.

"Jessica!" Holly shouted, running over to her and hugging her. Holly's bright hair was pulled back on a slick pony tail.

Jessie laughed, "Hols, its been a week since we went for dinner you muppet chill out!"

She hugged Clair and said hi to all her band. I stood in the corner of the room, hugging my hand luggage. Jessie walked towards me and grabbed my hand. She pulled me over to everyone.

"Guys, this is Kayla." Jessie beamed, I said a round of hellos and everyone was really friendly. Then we were called for boarding. The 15 of us altogether walked towards the doors. Jessie grabbed my wrist and spun me round. She was standing with holly and Clair.

"I thought I'd introduce you three properly." Jessie smiled, "Holly, Clair. This is my girlfriend Kayla."

"Jess, you never told us you were official!" Clair squealed, she pulled me into a hug, her long blonde hair hitting me in the face,"its great to finally meet you, Jessie talks about you alot" she smirked.

Jessie scowled at her.

"No I don't" she muttered,

"Oh god, yes you do. All you were talking about last week was this girl you were in love with... I'm shocked I didn't already know you two where serious."

"It was only decided last night really," I smiled, blushing at how much Jessie apparently spoke about me.

"Still, thats a whole 24 hours she didn't text us!" Holly laughed,

"Yeah alright guys shut up now..." Jessie groaned, "why did I think that you guys meeting was a good idea."

Clair and Holly laughed and headed for the plane. Jessie held my hand, "see they're not that bad." She whispered in my ear. She kissed me on the temple and we walked onto the plane.

2 hours later we were flying over the sea. I would tell you which sea but I have no idea- I got a D in Geography. The 40 seater plane only have 19 of us (including the crew) so it was pretty empty and we were all spread out. It was a weird sensation seeing as I was used to economy class flights! I was sitting in a four with Jessie. We were sat with a empty seat between us and Jessie had her legs swung over my knees. I was sat by the window with a blanket flung over the two of us. Clair and Holly were sat in the aisle next to us and everyone else was scattered behind us. I'd spent the past half an hour chatting with Ginger and Lewie. Who were really nice guys. Especially lewie, he adored the pants of jess and was like her big brother. But now everyone was settled down for dinner.

"Jessie I don't really like plane food..." I murmered.

Jessie smiled, "its alright babe you can just get a sandwich if you want. Believe it or not Chez's the fussiest eater you'll ever meet."

"Shut up jessie" Chez yelled from the back of the plane. Jessie giggled like a little kid. She was in her element. I can't believe I've been so selfish about all of this. I had been a bad girlfriend.

At midnight the co pilot turned all the lights out and everyone titled their chairs back and snuggled down under blankets. I rested my against the wall and looked out at the sea below. Jessie slid up beside me.

"It's so peaceful isn't it."

"Mmm" I mumbled, nodding,

"I've been to so many places but there's some thing magical about flying above the clouds."

I laughed quietly, "how poetic!"

Jessie rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek again and again. I turned my head slightly so she kissed me on the lips. Jessie smiled.

"See I told you you had nothing to worry about. Holly and Clair don't bite do they!"

I laughed quietly, " yeah I suppose. Jess, do they travel everywhere with you?"

"Clair doesn't, but Holly's my cheorographer."


"Babe, they're not going to be following us round if that's what you were worried about. I promised you, this trip is about us."

I grinned and Jessie yawned.

"Get some kip Jess you look knackered."

"Okay," she murmered, nuzzling into my shoulder. I lent against her head and we fell asleep almost instantley.

A/n- aww everything is so happy.........

Climax (JESSIE J)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin