Chapter 45

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I sat on the floor in the middle of my bedroom and stared at the freshly painted walls. I was so bored with not being a Uni that I was actually watching the paint dry. I heard a light rap on my door and a Maisy appeared. I opened my arms to her and she came and sat on my lap.

"Did you see Jessie?" She asked as I began to rock her gently backwards and forwards,

"I did,"

"What did she say?" She squeaked,

"She said that she was really sorry. It's why she came round actually, to apologise to you," I answered, because it was half true wasn't it? Jessie came to say that she over overreacted, and the rest just kind of happened, "I'm seeing her again tonight, will you be ok? Dad will be home by 10" My voice grew tight because even Maisy knew dad was getting bad again.

Brave little Maisy nodded, "I know the drill, just stay in my room," she sighed, it broke my heart how we had a plan for how to deal with my dad, how it didn't seem like a massive deal to me, leaving my 12 year old sister alone with our unpredictable dad. It was our life, it was our normality, we didn't know any different so we'd just adapted.

"I'll make it up to you one day, Mais' I promise. I'll sort my shit out and I'll get us out of here" I assured her,

"I know you will, and when I'm rich and famous I'll buy you a massive house in the country like where Grams lives and we can have horses and chickens and everything" she played along, I laughed at her fantasy and hugged her tighter into me.

I kissed her goodbye at 8:30 and shut her bedroom door behind me, hearing her slide the chest or drawers in front of it, barricading herself in her room for the night. She'd creep down in the morning and out of the door by just gone 7 for school when she knew it would be safe.

The drive to Jessie's went on forever and I was glad when I arrived at her front gates. I buzzed the intercom and the white metal gates jolted open. Once again my little Ford Fiesta looked like a trash can compared to Jessie's Porche. It was nice to see it again. I gave myself I little pep talking before finally plucking up the courage to step out of the car. The harsh wind blew a light shower of rain across the driveway and it stung as it hit my skin. The sky above me was dim and grey. If that isn't pathetic fallacy then I don't know what is, because my insides felt all stormy too.

Jessie was waiting by the door and she smiled awkwardly at me, "hi" she muttered, leading me through the hallway the dining room. She'd laid out the table ready for dinner, candles were lit and soft, classical music filled the air. It reminded meal we'd had the night she got back from LA.

"Jess, you didn't have to go to all this trouble," I sighed happily,

"Oh shh I didn't, here" she said pulling one of the dining chairs out for me to sit on, I giggled at her gesture and sat down at the table. Jess disappeared into the kitchen and bought out two, rather large bowls of steaming Pasta Carbonara and a plate of rustic looking garlic bread. I smiled broadly at the plate she set down in front of me and thanked god that I hadn't fancied dinner earlier.

As Jess sat down at her place she seemed to remember the time, "shit, I should have asked! You haven't already eaten have you? Sorry I've just been in my own little time zone recently"

I shook my head and buried myself in the bowl in front of me. Neither of us spoke as we ate, usually I'd say it was a compliment to the chef, a sign that everyone was enjoying the meal but the silence was undeniably awkward so I'm not sure it counted. I didn't quite finish my meal, which was slowly becoming a common theme with me. I'd lost my appetite recently, a side effect of my medication I'm sure but it was starting to have an affect on my waist line. At first I didn't like it, but my hip bones were starting to push through and I'd become aware of how much excess weight I was carrying around before.

"That was lovely Jess," I spoke up, nibbling on a piece of garlic bread. Jessie smiled and collected the plates up, holding back some sort of comment about the little I'd eaten and came out with a pot of Cookie Dough Ice Cream and two spoons.

"Classy" I mocked, following Jessie into the living room. I blew out the candles on the table as I past them, because you know, fire. Jessie sat on the corner of her sofa crossed legged and tapped the space in front of her gesturing for me to sit down. We poked silently at the ice cream for a minute, stealing looks at each other as we did. The air was unbearably thick.

"Why did you do it Kayla?" Jessie blurted out, snatching the ice cream from me and setting it onto the floor. I guess she needed answers. Answers that I didn't have.

"Jess, I really don't know," I sighed, "it had been a tough week, you know, so I drank too much to celebrate the end of it I guess. It was stupid and I hate myself for it,"

"Don't hate yourself," Jessie whispered, looking at her fingers, "I should have been more understanding, I shouldn't have said what I did to you"

I laughed unhumorously, "I've heard worse Jess," my heart hurt as I said it but it was true

"I know but you didn't need to hear them from me. I'm not supposed to be that mean to you,"

I held Jessie's face in my hands and lifted her head up so her eyes met mine, "I don't blame you for what you said to me. I deserved it. I don't recognise myself then, I really don't. There is no excuse for my behaviour that night and trust me, I don't think you could think any less of me than I do," I kissed her gently on the nose, "I'm so sorry Jessie, I really am"

She didn't reply, well not with words. She pushed her head forward and our lips met, gently at first, but then the kiss became more passionate. My back fell against the sofa and Jessie climbed on top of me. Our hands hungrily explore what we haven't in weeks. Her skin felt softer than I remembered it but she kissed in the same way. She whipped her top over her head and smirked before kissing me again. I grabbed her boobs through her bra and she gasped. Her fingers tickled down my chest and under my top, tracing circles on my stomach before continuing down and under the waist band of my leggings. I bucked my hips and she moaned into the kiss. My hands gripped tightly onto her short hair as her fingers began their sweet abuse.

We were going to be ok.

A/N- anyone going fusion tomorrow?

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