Chapter 52

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"Fuck off" I snapped at him, venom streaming through my veins,

"I just want to ask you something" he said, his voice oddly soft.

I was going to yell and scream at him because that is what he deserved. He was the one who'd started the fire which killed my little sister. He was the reason I was standing here now, feeling sick and empty and a tired that I'd never experienced before. He was the reason that my life was crumbling around me. But I didn't yell and screamed at him, I didn't have the energy anymore, he'd defeated me.

Jessie's hand ran soothingly up and down my back and I didn't have the heart to tell her that she was hurting me, my burns were still sore.

"What do you want?" Jessie asked him,

"I take it your Kayla's girlfriend?" My dad asked, a sneer appearing on his cracked face.

"Yes, I'm Jessica, and the pleasure is all yours" she snapped, her body becoming tense next to me,

"I'm sure it is," my father responded, cackling shakily,

I never would have pictured the first time that my girlfriend met my father to be like this, or in a graveyard, but things seldom work out like you want them to.

"Can we not do this now?" I sighed tirelessly, Jessie shot me and look but pursed her lips nonetheless, "Why are you here dad? Have you come to pay your last respects?" I mocked,

"Of course not" he scoffed, "I just wanted to make sure that you're not going to go to the police"

The shire nerve of the man astonished me.

"And what if we do?" Jessie asked,

"Put the bitch back on her lead, Kayla, for god's sake"

I pushed me way out of Jessie's embrace and stepped unsteadily towards him, "Do not talk about my girlfriend like that. No, you know what, don't talk about anybody like that you pathetic excuse for a man. Get the fuck out of here, just fuck off!" I screamed at him, I pushed him to the ground and the burns up my arms throbbed with pain but I didn't care, "and yes, I'm going the police. I'm going to tell them everything that you did to us, every sordid little detail and you'll go down for a very long time."

"You're going to regret this" my dad threatened, I bent down to him and let breath brush his face as I spoke,

"You know what dad, I really don't think I will, I'm untouchable to you now. Because I have nothing else to lose." I whispered. I pushed myself to my feet and left the man hunched over on the floor as I strode over to the car, a gobsmacked Jessie hot on my heels.

"What do you-" Jessie began,

"Just take me home, Jessie" I sniffed

From the passenger seat, Jessie started the car without a word and we were driving for a good 10 minutes before she spoke,

"He looked awful," she whispered,

"I should have left him in there, I should have let him die"

"No, Kayla, of course you did the right thing, no matter how you feel about your dad, you would hate yourself if you'd let him die, babe." Jessie pulled into her driveway and switched the engine off.

"I should have saved Maisy, I should have-" I cried, breathless with grief, I buried my head in my hands and let my body shake. Jessie swung her door open and within seconds was crouched down beside me, her arms wrapping me in the type of hug that you never want to end. She touched her lips softly to my neck and blew deeply down my spine in an attempt to calm me down. I focused all my energy in on Jessie's breathing and matched mine to it. My cries softened and I could breathe again.

"Come on baby, let's get you to bed" Jessie whispered, helping me out of the car. We walked together into Jessie's house, up the stairs and she lay me carefully down on the bed. I buried myself under the duvet and my eyes felt weary.

"I'll go get you something to eat" Jessie muttered, stroking my hair,

"I'm not hungry"

"You haven't eaten since yesterday lunch time, please have something" she half- begged,

"I will, later, I need to sleep first" I promised, looking hopefully at her, I couldn't stomach anything at the moment, and my head was thrilled.

"Ok," she sighed in defeat, "I'm going to make some calls"

I shot up, "please don't leave me" I begged,

"Kayla, there's so many people waiting to here from us, I'll be half an hour tops"

"Just stay until I fall asleep, please, and then you can do whatever you need to do," tears again filled my eyes, "just hold me"

Jessie slid under the covers almost immediately and I buried my face in her chest at once. I snuggled into her, rubbing my cheeks against her soft shirt and let my eyes drop heavily.

Grief is like a weight, there's only so long you can carry if before you crack.

Climax is going to finish at chapter 55 and I'm going to be really sad when it's over :( 

I have more surprise for you all, can anyone guess what it is (unless your name is rosie)

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