Chapter 48

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I lay on my bed for what seemed like hours, waiting for Jessie to arrive at my door. In reality it had only been 15 minutes since I'd called her, pathetically sobbing down the phone, begging her to drop everything and come and comfort me. She was on her way of course because that's what Jessie did.

I could hear Maisy crying through the walls and the sound echoed throughout the house but I didn't have the energy to get up and comfort her, I didn't have the energy to pretend that I knew what do to anymore, because I really didn't. I'd been trying to convince myself since my dad had left that he hadn't hurt my baby sister but it wasn't working. I just didn't want to know how much he'd hurt her, ignorance is bliss as they say. I'd left the front door on the latch so Jess could let herself up, when I saw her standing in the doorway to my room I scrambled off the bed and flung my arms around her. I focused on matching my erratic breaths to Jessie's calm ones as she carried me back over to the bed.

"Shit, Kayla," she sighed, stroking the bruise on my cheek,

"I tried to hide it, I'm sorry" I sniffed, I'd cried my foundation off obviously,

"I didn't realise, you told me but I never realised, I'm so sorry"

"Why are you sorry?" I squeaked,

"Because I never helped you, I should have done something. He's abusing you Kayla, he needs to rot for it" Jessie snarled

"He's not abusing me, he's just- not himself at the moment" I didn't know why I was defending him,

"How can you say that? Kayla, you've got brusies because of that man,"

"He's still my dad Jessie,"

"You've never spoken about him like that before, you've always told me how much you hated him. Kayla you've got proof now, you can send him down!" Jessie pleaded, you could see the disappointment in her eyes.

I pushed my way out of her embrace and jumped off the bed. I obviously stood up quickly because my head span and my vision went blurry. My legs buckled and I tipped backwards into Jessie's arms. When I opened my eyes again, the yellow spots from this morning were back.

"What's wrong baby?" Jessie murmered, her hand running up and down my back,

"I'm just a bit light headed, stress probably" I lied, well half lied, I was lightheaded but stress wasn't what was wrong,

"Kayla don't get angry with me, but I need to know," Jessie paused and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear, "When was the last time you had something to eat?"

"Dinner," I gulped, "we had chicken pie"

"How much of it did you eat?"

"Enough," I snapped, "Why are you so interested anyway?"

Jessie drew her hand up between my shoulder blades and dragged it slowly down my back again, this time it was comforting, "I can feel your spine, Kid. I can see your hip bones sticking out through your jeans and I can wrap my hands around your wrists twice. How much weight have you lost?"

"I don't know, Jessie. It's probably just a side effect of my tablets or something" I sighed, lying down slowly, wary of my head,

"Rubbish" Jessie muttered, "please stop hurting yourself, because it's hurting me"

"I'm not hurting Jessie," I lied, "everything's just so manic at the moment I guess I haven't been paying a lot of attention to my diet, I'll eat more I promise"

Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies. The devil was speaking through me, tarnishing my relationship.

"Is Maisy ok? Is she in?" Jessie asked, changing the subject.

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