Chapter 34

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"I'm hungry" Maisy said for the third time, "Grams made some sloppy stew stuff for dinner that looked and smelt like poo"

I grimaced, "thanks Mais... Fancy a nandos?" I asked turning onto the motorway.

"YES! Omg I need me some chicken!" Maisy shrieked, I laughed and pulled my phone out of my back pocket.

"Call Harriet and get her to meet us there, a cheeky Nandos to mourn the loss of the summer holidays is in order I think"

"Please don't, it's making me feel ill.. I hate school" maisy moaned,

"Aww babe, you're still in baby school... Just you wait" I mocked, Maisy rolled her eyes at me and held the phone up to her ear.

"Hi Harriet... No it's Maisy, Kayla's driving. Up for a nandos? Yeah the one up by ours. Ok see you in about 20 mins" she disconnected the call and turned the radio up, Thunder blurted out of the speakers and I absentmindedly pushed harder on the gas pedal. I desperately needed to see my best friend.

We ended up grabbing a Nandos take away because the restaurant was heaving so Harriet was sprawled out across my bed munching on chips as I sorted the contents of my suitcase into dirty, clean and toiletries piles. Harriet cleared her throat, catching my attention. 

"Kay... Have you seen the papers today?" Harriet asked, nonchantley, not making eye contact with me.

I decided to play her at her own game, of course I knew what would be in the papers.

"No why would I have?"

"What not even 'Hello?'" She asked, playing her fingers.

"Harriet.. Why were you reading Hello? You hate those kind of magazines, full of lies" I said hiding my smirk.

Harriet gasped, "You already know don't you!"

I smiled tightly, I knew Jess would be featured, just not how much she would be and what about.

"Do you want to see them?" Harriet asked, "I bought everyone mag you were in"

I laughed out loud and held up hand out nodding, she passed me 5 magazines and Jessie was splurged across the cover of all of them. Granted, she wasnt always the main story but she was still on the cover. I flicked to the pages the stories were on started reading.

"Jessie J in a relationship?" Reads one, "Jessie J spotted leaving Heathrow yesterday with suspected love intrest"

Those papers didnt bother me it was the article in 'NOW!' that did. The headline read, "Openly Bisexual singing sensation Jessie J shows off her new Woman"

Why they find it nessescary to point out that she's "openly bisexual" as if it's the only thing she's known for, the only intresting thing about her. If the headline wasnt bad enough the picture was. In all the other articles, the pictures of Jessie and I were the ones from the airport, one where my hand was resting on the small of Jessie's back as I guided her down the sea of fans. The one where I was snapping at the paps, the ones of Jessie's scared face as she looked back at the furious flashes of the cameras. But the picture featured in this one was of the 2 of us cuddled under the tree in central park, of me sitting on her lap on the balcony of our room and more hauntingly enough, me driving through the gates of Jessie's house half hour before we left to fly to New York. I shivered at I read the article and the sarcy comments underneath the pictures.

We thought we'd been careful but, apparently not.

I threw the magazines at the door and collapsed in Harriets laps, I didn't know how to feel. I didn't feel sad because they weren't lies, they weren't nasty rumours that would ruin mine and Jessie's "friendship". I was angry because of the total lack of respect for Jessie's privacy, nervous about how she was going to react when she saw these, scared about going outside, to school to see everyone who will have without a doubt read the magazines. But strangely enough, the emotion that was overpowering the rest was bliss. They say ignorance is bliss and it's true. I wasn't thinking of hard it's going to be now all to be alone I was thinking of is how easy it will be it be with her. We don't have to hide anymore.

Harriet stroked my hair soothingly, "are you ok?"

"I'm fine, it's Jessie I'm worried about. These articles will ruin her. She's so private, she hates the publisity that comes with her job"

"I wish more celebritites had that attitude!" Harriet laughed, trying to lighten the mood. I shivered slightly.

"It's strange. I forget that Jessie is Jessie you know, I forget she's Jessie J. I think it's because she's been kind of quiet recently, with recording her album and stuff. Her campain starts in the next few days. Then I'll be reminded. She won't just be mine anymore" I huffed, staring at the cieling. I'd heard thats how you stopped yourself from crying.

"You sound like you need a drink" harriet mused, I sat up straight and squeezed her cheeks.

"Please! Lets round up the girls and go out tonight, I need to get drunk"

Harriet round her eyes and type a message on group chat. Almost immediately my phone started buzzing, apparently everyone was up for a pre- college bust up.

"Kayla ask Jessie? Need to meet this girl! You're secret girlfriend oioi" Rosie asked. Rosie was a year older than the other 3 of us. She spent a year working in an estate agents until she finally stood up to her parents and told them she wants to do some pretty pictures for a living. It didn't go down well apparently, she's living with her boyfriend now. And she'd obviously read the papers.

"Hello?" Jessie answered, she sounded distant,

"Baby it's Kayla, are you ok?" I asked worried, I heard paper rustling in the background, like the sound of pages being turned furiously. I sighed heavily, "Jessica?"

"Mhhmm" she said idly, "sorry what was it you wanted?"

"Are you reading the papers?" I asked, scowling at the phone, Harriet looked at me and bit her lip nervously.

"No... Oh for fucks sake" she whispered, I heard something smack against the wall, and Jessie curse under her breath. Holly's voice piped up in the background. "Jess just stop, stop reading them"

"Jess baby are you ok?" I asked quietly,

"Of course i'm fucking not!" She snapped, I flinched away from the phone. When Jessie swore- she was pissed off. Holly scolded her on the other end and Jessie sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry Kid I didn't mean to snap, I love you"

My heart swelled, "I love you beautiful, do you want me to come over?" Harriet shook her head at me and I gave her the finger.

"No it's ok, I've got Holly and Rachel's coming over in a bit. We're just going to stay in I think"

"Oh.. Okay" i said rubbing my collar bones, a habit I'd picked up from somewhere.

"You can come over if you want, I just thought you were with Harriet" I could hear the confusion in her voice.

"I am, we were just going to go to a club tonight. There's some people I want you to meet?" I asked, hopeful.

Jessie groaned, "No babe sorry, not tonight, I just want to stay in if I'm honest. I've got a busy week coming up."


"So have you babe, don't go to crazy. Be safe, call me if anything happens. I love you" she ordered, her protective instinct bought a smile onto my face.

"I love you too Jess, smile please it will be ok I promise"

"I know, I know. Have fun, remember that I love you" why she was repeating it to me? What did she think I was going to do? Or did she know something I didn't? My stomach did flips as I cancelled the call. I took a deep breathe and plastered a smile on my face.

"Let's go fucking mental!" I chirped, jumping off the bed and pulling various dresses out of my wardrobe.

Harriet was right, a stiff drink was definitely what I needed.

So funny story I got really drunk last night at my sisters 21st and we didn't go to sleep until 6am and I went to get a glass of water but on the way back my legs forgot to be legs and I collapsed on the floor spilling my water everywhere. I was so upset. I don't know why I'm telling everyone this but I thought you could laugh at me so yeah

also - What is Kayla going to do?

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