Chapter 42

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I sped down the motorway at near enough 100mph, knowing full well that if I was caught I'd lose my license but I didn't care. I was angry driving. Julia was very confused about what had just happened, seeing as Maisy hadn't informed her of the 'blip' in mine and J's relationship- which she had undoubtably read about in a magazine somewhere.

I couldn't believe Jessie, I couldn't believe she would have been so rude. To me, OK fine, I deserved it, but not to Maisy. She knew how much Maisy idolised her, her passion, her drive and her career so you'd think she would have shown some sort of respect towards the 12 year old who hadn't spoken a word since she got in the car.

Jessie's song Excuse My Rude popped into my head, it seemed to fit our situation perfectly.

My phone started buzzing in my bag and Maisy pulled it out, "Kayla, it's Holly" she sniffed. I nodded at her and she answered it for me.

"Hi, it's Maisy, Kayla's driving," Maisy was quiet for a second while Holly spoke and then shot a nervous look at me, "There's no way of stopping her? Ok fine, I'll let her know. Yeah. Bye"

Pissed off Maisy was so a sassy, I loved it!

"Jessie's coming to ours" She said bluntly, dropping my phone back into my bag, "Holly said she's not answering the phone so she can't get her to stop. I want to go to Julia's please." She sighed,

I chewed fiercely at the inside of my cheek, another thing to add to my list of things to say to Jessie. She's driven my little sister out of her home. The anxiety that was swirling around in my stomach and chest when going to meet Jessie before had been oppressed by a mild form of hatred I guess. Do I hate her? I don't know why I'm trying to explain it when I don't even understand myself. I blew out a frustrated breath and flung my head back lightly against the head rest behind me. I needed to talk to Jessie.

Dad was back working nights again, finally, so I was alone when I got home at just after 11. I gathered the various bottles, cans and other crap that my dad had been living with other the past few days- how he'd managed to maintain this job when he drank all day I would never know- and threw it all a big black sack. I wiped down the kitchen surfaces and threw all the dirty dishes that were lining the sink into the dishwasher ready to put on later. I lit various Yankee Candles around the house to chase out the smell of failure that my dad and I reeked of. I tried sitting down and relaxing for a second, I really did, but my over active imagination made it impossible to keep still. So when the door bell went I had to count to 10 before answering it to make it seem like I wasn't pathetically lingering in the hallway- which I was.

I wanted to shout at her when I opened the door because she'd made me so fucking angry but as soon as her emerald green eyes met mine I couldn't remember what it was that made me so mad at her. The woman I hadn't seen for over a month, who's voice I hadn't heard in what felt like eternity and who I was deeply in love with was stood at my front door. Her make up and hair still pristine from her show but now wearing slacks instead of the two piece she was wearing earlier on. She was beautiful. She was Jessie.

I couldn't find my words, and she couldn't find hers so I did the only thing I knew how to do.

I kissed her.

A/N- just wanted to say thank you to the people that commented on my last chapter it made me smile ahhaa I didn't realise you all enjoyed it so much!

I'm beginning to tire of these characters and the story line so I am thinking of ending it quite soon but I'll probably write another fic. I'll come up with an interesting ending too don't worry!

Ly all, hope all my fellow GCSE pals are happy with what they got, you're all fab! Xx

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