Chapter 50

666 44 13

half way to 100 woooo

"Dad" I greeted him coldly, he snarled back up at me, kicking one of the bags over.

"Going somewhere?" He asked, stepping onto the first step, closing the distance between us.

"Maisy and I are leaving, I think it's for the best" I gripped onto the banister to stop my body shaking,

"Oh, are you now?" He snarled, a smirk playing across his face.

I sighed heavily and made my way downstairs. I pushed past my dad sending his staggering backwards into the front door. I swallowed loudly and began to gather up all our bags.

"You're not fucking going anywhere" he growled, racing towards me he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the kitchen. I screamed and lashed at him until he let me go, and threw me into the work surfaces. The corner of the handle dug roughly into my dangerously protruding hipbone and I yelped quietly.

"I'm taking Maisy out of here, you've been hurting her all this time and I never knew" I yelled at him,

"I can do what I like to the two of you, you're my fucking kids I own you" he snarled,

"Own us? I didn't realize you were running a slave trade" I scoffed, "but, honestly, that's we seem to do isn't it? Run around picking up the pieces that you so carelessly leave"

"You girls have caused me more trouble than you're worth, it's not my fault you haven't learned any respect. It's my job to teach you that" his lips pulled into a gut wrenching smirk, "as your father"

I laughed coldly at him, "do you think you can call yourself a father when you use your kids as walking punch bags. Me? Fine whatever I'm old enough-"

"- and ugly enough" he cut in, my head span,

"and ugly enough" I sighed in defeat, "

To be able to deal with your shit but Maisy..." I stopped myself because the image of my dad laying a single chubby finger only baby sister made me feel faint.

"Maisy's not a baby, she can be a little bitch when she wants to be, he deserves what she gets" he laughed,

"What she deserves is a father who loves her" I sighed heavily and went to walk out of the kitchen but he threw himself in front of the door, his cold hand wrapping around the wrist that was reaching for the door handle.

"Get the fuck off of me," I growled at him, I popped my leg roughly and my knee collided with his groin. A deep groan fell from the man's mouth and his grip loosened enough for me to wiggle away from him. I threw the door opened and ran back towards the front door, picking up various bags along the way.

"Maisy! Come on we're going, come and get your shoes on" I yelled up the stairs. I threw one of the back packs over my back and was about to swing the front door open when I heard my dad stagger into the hallway. He was holding a red barrel can in his hand.

My blood ran cold and I let the bags fall from my hands.

"What is that?" I whispered, my eyes wide,

"What this?" He asked, faking innocence. He took a long swig from his vodka bottle and shook the red can roughly. It made the same sound as the vodka did.

"I would love to say that it's just water but we both know that's not true" he shrugged, a twisted smile painted on his face,

"Is it.."

"Petrol? Yes, I suppose it is, I prefer the term 'lighter fluid' but I suppose petrol will do"

"Why do you have Petrol?" I asked shakily,

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