Chapter 14

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The bright light beaming through the gap in the curtains woke me up the next morning. I turned over to find the bed empty. I knotted my forehead up and threw my legs over the side of the bed. My feet hit the cold laminate floor and I tiptoe-ran to the fluffy carpet of the landing. I could hear the radio downstairs and the sound of something frying in a pan. I skipped giddily down the stairs, happy that Jessie was home, bounded into the kitchen and hugged Jessie from behind. She tilted her head and kissed my cheek. 

"Morning lover, pancakes?"

"Pancakes sounds lush Jess, why did you leave? I missed waking up with you"

Jessie rolled her eyes, "some of us can't sleep until 11 Kayla"

"Shit is that the time?! I must have been knackered."

"Nah, it's because you're a baby you need more sleepy time"

"Jess, i'm 20, that's only 5 years younger than you!"

"Yeah, a baby" she giggled, flipping a pancake on a plate and giving it to me. Laid out on the table was all sorts of jars and stuff to chuck all over it. Yes. Time to make myself sick. I spooned a load of syrup onto my pancake and then dumped a load of sugar on top. I rolled it up and took a huge unattractive bite. The disapproving look on Jessie's face almost made me spit my mouthful everywhere.

"Enough sugar for you there babe?"

I grinned and pancaky grin and Jessie made a gagging sound.

"Now come on, pancakes are for sugar not for bananas... Get some syrup in there" I half yelled, disgusted at her chose of pancake topping. Perfectly sliced bananas and cinnamon.

"Don't you think i'm sweet enough?" She winked.

I rolled my eyes and started on my second pancake, equally as sickly as the last. I pushed my plate towards her.

"Come on you haven't lived until you've tried one of my pancakes"

Jessie scoffed and whacked out her phone out, "I need to take a picture of this disgusting mess." She took a bite of the pancake and behind her screwed up face you could see in her eyes that she loved it. "I think i'm going to stick to my bananas" she laughed, sliding the plate back to me,

I shrugged and scoffed the rest of the pancake, "your loss," I mumbled with my mouth full.

Jessie snapped another picture, this time of me. My eyes went wide and I lurched across the table. Knocking a glass of water all over her. She gasped at me jumped up from the table and ran into the living room. Forgetting about the spilt water I chased after her and jumped on her back, tackling her to the floor. Jessie squealed and straddling her, I pinned her arms down.

"Delete it..." I threatened,

Jessie cackled and shook her head. I dug my fingers into her sides and started to tickle her.

"Delete it!" I repeated,

"Let me go!" Jessie chocked out.

She squirmed out from underneath me and pulled her phone out from her dressing gown pocket. I clung to her ankle like a koala bear so she couldn't stand up.

"Ok, ok I'm deleting it!" She pulled out her phone and deleted it. At the same moment my phone made a noise. I looked at the notification.

'isthatjessiej has tagged you in a photo'

"Oh my god. Jessie tell me you didn't"

Jessie bit down on her bottom lip, "I was always told not to lie."

I screeched and ran over to her, pushing her down the the floor. I burst out laughing when my bare leg brushed against her crotch.

"You... Look.... Like you've... You've wet yourself!!!" I laughed, gasping for breath inbetween each word, rolling around on the floor.

Jessie's expression dropped and her cheeks went red. She scuttled off to the kitchen leaving me giggling on the floor.

After a few minutes I had calm down, reported jessie's photo of me and had a good laugh at some of the comments on the photo (everyone trying to guess who i was, some people were making good guesses) I pushed myself up off the floor and went into the kitchen. Jessie was on the floor mopping up the water. Gently humming to herself. I sat crossed legged on the floor next to her.

"You finished?" She muttered, rolling her eyes.

"I haven't laughed like that in ages, I think I gave myself a stitch" I giggled again, Jessie smirked and pecked me on the forehead and got up from the floor, I followed her up and wrapped my arms around her waist, we stayed silent in a warm embrace for a few moments.

"Jess." I began, "are you free tomorrow?"

"Got the rest of the week off babe why?"

"Well, I was supposed to be staying at my Grams tonight because it's a special occasion tomorrow... yeah and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

Jessie snapped her head up, "really?"

"Yeah I want to introduce you. But she doesn't know about the whole bisexual thing so we're going to tell her together"

Jessie frowned, "are you sure that's a good idea? Is it going to work?"

"It has too, she's all i've got left..."

"Your dad?"

 Unconsciously, I scratched my wrists frantically at the mention of him. Jessie rested her hands on mine making them still.

"I love you how don't cover them up when you're with me," she smiled slightly,

"I love how I don't have to. I trust you Jess."

Jessie caressed my cheek, "you mentioned a special occasion"

I blinked heavily and nuzzled into her hand, "it's my mum's birthday tomorrow," Jessie dropped her hand, "she's buried up by Grams' so every year we go down there and let a balloon go and just, talk to her. You don't have to come to the graveyard if you don't want to but I could really use you tomorrow" I muttered, smiling weakly.

"I'd love to come. I'd love to meet your mum and celebrate her birthday with you beautiful"

I smiled at her choice of words, I loved it when people spoke about her as if she was still her, it made me forget for a moment. Forget that it was all a lie.

Jess broke me away from my own little world, "Kay, what did you do to your phone?" She asked, smirking at the shattered screen.

I rolled my eyes, "I got angry with my art work and threw it across the room" lying was becoming like second nature to me. Not a good sign.

Jessie stifled a laugh, "that was clever Einstein..."

"Oh shut up," I muttered and I pushed myself off of the floor and walked into the hallway. Sitting on the bottom step I dialled Gram's number.

"Hello kayla darling, are you okay?"

"Hi Grams. I'm more than ok thank you. I was just wondering if i could bring someone down with me tonight?"

"Of course you can sweets. Is it anyone special?"

I smiled to myself, and wound my hair around my little finger. The sound of the radio filled the house and Jessie's angelic voice sang along to it, "You know what, it's someone very special"

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