Chapter 23

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"Babe do I wear the blue one or the red one?" Jessie asked for the fourth time.

I laughed out loud, "Jessie, for gods sake, wear the blue one, it goes better with the cream wedges."

Jessie scowled at me in the mirror, "just because everything looks good on you... Some people have to serious plan their outfits!"

I gasped and jumped up and stood close to her face. Her green eyes sparkled.

"You are so beautiful Jessica. And the blue dress looks veerryy sexy on you."

I kissed her deeply on the lips. She slipped her tongue in my mouth and pulled me into her. Her hands slid under my top and across my back. I tensed involuntarily when she ran over the scars on my hips. Jessie picked me up and carried me over to the bed. She lay me down and straddled me. She pulled away and I pouted.

"Oh, why did you stop?" I muttered, leaning back into her. She put her finger on my lips and whispered in my ear.

"We have to go baby..."

I rolled my eyes and threw her off me.

"Can you do my makeup for me please?"

"Of course!" Jessie beamed, she loved playing dress up.

Jessie sat cross legged in front of me and drew concealer lines on my face.

"I booked you a doctors appointment for tomorrow at 4"

I opened my mouth to protest but Jessie carried on talking.

"We're not arguing about this anymore Kayla. This is happening whether you like it or not. Now close your eyes so I can do your eyes."


"We're not arguing-"

"I know, I just wanted to say thanks. No one has ever cared about me so much before." I said as Jessie brushed eye shadow on my eye lid.

"I love you so much Kayla" Jessie whispered, kissing my forehead lightly, she finished my face in silence, her tongue stuck out slightly in concentration. It took everything I had not to laugh. "You're all done babe, you look stunning- if i do say so myself!"

"Thanks my love. How posh is this restaurant Like is it the type where you have 100 knives and fork?" I asked, slipping into my dress. It was a black, tight fitted dress with lacy sides. Jessie laughed.

"It's quite posh yeah but- you know what I don't actually know,Cez just told us to dress nice!"

I smiled, "okidokie, do me up."

Jessie zipped my dress up slowly, her breath tickling my neck. I shivered.

"That was unnecessary, all i wanna do now is rip that really expensive dress off of you." I whispered seductively in her ear.

Jessie giggled quietly, "later" I pouted and Jessie laughed.

"Babe we're already late, later"

"Okay fine, but I'm holding you to that" I winked. I grabbed my phone and hotel key and shoved them in my bag. I slipped into some red wedges and stood infront of the full length mirror. Jessie came and stood behind me.

"Aww we look so cute!" She beamed,

"No, we look HAAAAT" I said, doing my best Gok Wan impression.

She laughed, "too right baby," we linked arms, "let's go eat!"

Snapping a couple of selfies on her phone we stumbled out of the hotel room.

The meal was so nice. It was a better chance to get to know all of Jessie's groupie. When I'd first met Mark I was actually pretty scared of him, he looked so fierce! But he was actually a really chilled out bloke who would lay down his life for Jessie. I was getting on really well with Ginger- I don't think I'd ever laughed so much in my life- and he was teaching me how to drum with the chopsticks on the table.

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