Chapter 47

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As I pushed through the double doors into the reception of the school my eyes fell on a broken little girl. She looked white and cold and lifeless and I didn't recognize her. Behind Maisy was a kind looking women who I assumed was the one I'd spoken to on the phone and she gave me a reassuring smile before handing me Maisy's things. 

"We'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart" The woman said, smiling down at her. I wrapped my arm round Maisy's shoulder and mouthed a "thank you" to the the teacher as we shuffled awkwardly out of the door. Maisy didn't say a word the whole way home, she just stared out of the windscreen, merely shaking her head in response to anything I said to her. After about 10 minutes I gave up trying to spark up a conversation and turned the radio up, fighting my own tears back. 

"Maisy, please tell what's going on," I pleaded, setting two mugs on tea down on the coffee table, she just shook her head and showed me a tight smile before flicking her eyes back to the TV, "Mais' something is up, this isn't just teenage bullshit, I haven't seen you like this since-"

"Since what?" Maisy snapped, 

My eyes narrowed slightly, "What's happened to you? I'm your big sister, you can talk to me, no matter how stupid it might be-" 

"You can't help me!" The girl cried, "No one can help me. If I told you it would ruin everything," 

My heart began to beat in my throat, "Tell me what?" 

She wiped her tears from her cheeks quickly as they fell, "nothing, there's nothing to tell,"

"What did he do to you?" My voice shook as I asked her, Maisy's misty eyes met mine and she looked scared.

"Did he hurt you? Maisy it's ok, I can help you" I pleaded,

She opened her mouth to speak, she was about to tear my world into two I was sure of it but she was interrupted by the ominous sound of a metal key scratching against the lock. The sound went right through me and my legs turn to jelly. Maisy whimpered and shot up the stairs like a light. My head span and it felt heavy on my neck. My father staggered through the front door, the wood slamming dangerous against the wall, making the whole house shake. He threw his weight against the door frame and all the air was sucked out of the room as his cold eyes travelled up and down my body. 

"What the fuck have you done to yourself?" He scoffed, "I mean you're still a fucking peach but-"

"But what?" I choked out, my face burning with the crude words of my father,

"You look like a fucking skeleton," He laughed, smirking at my expense, "I suppose it's better that looking like the fat bitch that you did before"

I stammered on my words for a minute, I could smell the alcohol from across the room. I felt it reach out it's dirty, scheming hands and wrap them around my neck, choking me until every last pleasant memory of my dad had been erased from my brain. 

"What did you do to Maisy?" I snapped, angry tears filling my eyes,

"It's none of your fucking business" my dad roared, hurling himself at me, his fist connected with my jaw hard enough to knock me to the ground. I threw my hands over my head and prepared myself for the next strike but it didn't come. Instead he laughed and wrapped his shaky fingers around the collar of my top, lurching me up to his level. My toes brushed against the floor as the old man smirked in my face. 

"Keep your nose out of other people business you worthless bitch, have I taught you nothing in these past few years? How did I get stuck with such useless, twatty kids?" His hot breath blowing across my face, he let go of my top carelessly and I fell heavily to my knees again, "now make me some fucking dinner, I'm starving"

I half crawled, half ran out of the living room and collapsed on the cold tile floor before letting the terror flood over me and the tears stain my T- Shirt. I sobbed hard for a few minutes before I heard my dad grumbling through the paper thin walls that the endless damage over the years had turned them into and remember that I'd been given a task. I busied myself in preparing the dinner and focused on every movement I made, the knife sliced easily through the chicken and I imagined how it would feel to bury it deep inside my father's chest. To watch the blood pour from him, each drop a small payment for all the times he'd hurt me, all the times he'd hurt Maisy. Oh my God, had he hurt Maisy? I couldn't bear think about it, I could see my worst nightmares playing in my mind and it was only picturing the dad's white skin and cold eyes as he lie on a slab that bought me some comfort again. What am I turning into?

My whole body shook as we ate. Every fibre of my being was petrified of my father, the man who was supposed to protect me, love and nurture me. The conversation was limited. Maisy and I giving short, prepared but polite answers to any question we were asked but neither of us daring to speak first. Neither of us looking up from our plates, dinner was eaten in an unbearable silence, the only sound came from my dad, as he noisily swallowed half a bottom of murky liquid. I couldn't stomach anything, my tummy growled angrily and my dad's words from earlier swam unnervingly around my head, fat bitch, skeleton, worthless. They were suffocating and I didn't feed myself at all that day. 

When he finally did leave for walk, unsteady on his feet and seeing two of everything I could breathe again. I covered my face in foundation to hide the dim purple bruise that was beginning to surface from under the skin on my cheek and sat cross-legged on the floor. Pen in hand, I planned 5 ways to kill my dad.

I am so sorry for the delay idk even I last posted but it feels like 1000 years ago. School has started back and I'm really struggling with transition and keeping everything up with friends, school, work etc so expect these last few chapter updates to be very slow. I'm going to try write to chapter 55 because I've got another plan for the ending! Thank you for your patience :)


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