002 | On The Move Again

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Charlotte's pov

The next morning I woke up stiff from sleeping on the Bench. I sat up and pulled my coat on. It must have been about 8am since I spotted children walking around in school uniform, I quickly hid behind a bin as a woman walked towards he church.

"Please don't see me, please don't see me" I whispered to myself as I held my coat around me along with my two bags.

"Are you alright." The woman asked me.

"Yeah, fine. Got to go" I immediately ran from where I was crouched and off on my way. I didn't know where I was going or what I was going to do I just ran. I sat down after a while at a side of the road. I had been running for awhile but I was still in the countryside.

"I wish you were here dad, I still miss you evreyday" I whispered looking up to the sky.

"I know what your thinking dad. I'm stupid for running away from the foster family but you saw what they were like. They hated me. I understand they wanted to make their biological daughter happy but what about their foster daughter. What about me don't I deserve to be happy too. I was happy when you were around, when it was just us, me and you against the world dad. Did you forget that? Did you forget about me when you gave up your fight in the fire?" I asked with a sign tears found their way to my eyes and down my cheeks.

"I guess you weren't thinking about me when you gave up your fight" I mumbled pulling my knees into my chest. I didn't know where I was as going to go next but I knew I had to leave.

"Sorry" I apologised to a girl around my age as I continued began walking again and walked into the girl.

"I'm sorry" she also apologised.

"It's fine, I'm Charlotte, but you haven't seen me" I panicked. I didn't want her to tell anyone where I am.

"I'm Ginny, it's alright, I won't tell anyone if you don't tell anyone" Ginny smiled and I nodded.

"Are you a run away too?" I asked her. Simply she nodded as we walked down the road, dodging cars and people as we went on our way.

"Why are you on the streets?" Ginny asked me curiously

"I ran away from my foster parents. I was practically invisible to them. My biological dad died in a fire four years ago. Since then I've been in 6 different foster family's, my most recent I've actually been in for two years." I sighed as I explained why I was on the street.

"I was put into care when I was little. I don't remember my mum only the fact she used to read me me Harry Potter and the philosopher stone, the only thing I have of my family." Ginny said to me and I nodded.

"I never knew my mum. She died when I was born. Dad told me so many stories about her. Apparently I used to remind him of her in some ways even though I looked nothing like her" I giggled.

"come on let's go this way" Ginny changed the subject as we turned left and walked down the side of the road. A car speed past us making me fall into a muddy puddle, Ginny laughed as she helped me up.

"Some people really need to learn to drive. Look at the state of me" I grumbled which made Ginny laugh again.

"It's not funny. Look at this mud I'm squelching" I frowned moving my arms which made Ginny laugh, I smirked as I went towards her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Now you can be muddy too" I giggled. I watched as her lip twitches as she try's not to laugh or smile. Both of us were muddy but we continued on with our walking, this was our life, was it going to change, we didn't know but together we were safer than being apart.


Ginny belongs to ItsWayPastMyCakeTime
I know this update was short but the next few will also be short until Charlotte actually gets adopted. I know I said I wasn't going to update this book again but I've kinda came to a standstill with my other book and I had this chapter pre-written. So please enjoy

Love you all

- Jess xx

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