005 | I'll Adopt You

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Charlotte's PoV

Just as Robert was coming back into the room with the doctor with the news, Victoria's eyes opened and she began to cough. The doctor ran in and removed the ventilator tube. Victoria looked at me confused, I was a stranger so obviously she would be confused about who I was.

"This is Charlotte, she pulled you out of the car" Robert told his sister as he takes her hand and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you Charlotte. How long have you been here?" Victoria asked with her voice croaking slightly.

"Ever since you were brought in." I smiled running a hand through my hair nervously, I probably sounded like a right weirdo

"What about your parents, wouldn't they be worried about you?" Victoria asked and I shook my head.

"I don't have any parents. My mum died when I was born and my dad died four years ago after being in a fire" I sighed, the only times I ever cried was when thinking or even talking about my dad.

"So where do you live?" Victoria asked me sitting up while I coughed.

"The last week and half I've lived on the street, I was bullied by my foster parents and foster sister so I ran away. Anything's better than living where I'm invisible and not even wanted" I signed heavily, I didn't even know why I was telling a bunch of strangers this. Victoria looked at me as I ran a hand through my hair again.

"What about your social worker, wouldn't they be looking for you?" Robert butted into the conversation.

"Probably but I've stayed out of sight, I didn't even care though, she's make me go back to the stupid foster family and I won't be happy, I'd just run away again, I want to be somewhere, where I can be happy. Not where I'm always being moaned at, where I don't get a say in anything." I shrugged watching the three adults facial expressions. I was watching for anything.

"You know we need to call social services, you can't keep living on the streets. It's not safe" Aaron told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Please don't call them. I don't want to go back to living with Amanda and Steve. I don't want to have Chloe as my stupid foster sister. I just want to be with my dad again. That can't happen though, I know that. Please" I begged. I had started to regret staying by Victoria's bedside.

"What if I adopt you?" Victoria asked me curiously. I looked at her in shock. i surely was in a dream. Instead of answering I got up and ran. Not because I didn't want it to happen but because it felt like a dream. Victoria is what I had wished my mum was like and she just said she wants to adopt me.

Victoria's pov

Charlotte was the one, the daughter I had always wanted. She had pulled me from the fire and she even sat by my bedside the whole time. When she had told me about her past it broke my heart.

"What if I adopt you?" I asked the teenager who was sat with her knees into her chest, I swear Robert was mentally calling me crazy. Charlotte looked at me as if it was shock but instead of answering me she ran.

"I'll go and talk to her" Aaron smiled to me leaving myself and Robert alone in the room.

"Are you sure you want this?" Robert asked me and I nodded.

"I want this more than anything. I've always wanted a daughter and she would be perfect. I've never been more sure in my life" I nodded once again

Charlotte's PoV

I sat on the grass outside of the hospital. I was trying to get past the shocked stage of this all. I must have seemed like a idiot running off like that but I just couldn't think straight. I looked up as Aaron sat himself down next door to me.

"Why'd you just run out like that?" Aaron asked. I looked down.

"I guess I'm just shocked. I didn't mean to just run off like that. I'm scared that I'll be happy and it will all be ripped from me, I want this but what I'd it all messes up." I asked admitting how I truly felt.

"You don't have to be scared. Vic is a truly amazing person, my sister-in-law. She's always wanted a child but the way she looked at you I could tell that your the one that she wants and not just because you saved her" Aaron told me and nudged me gently.

"It all feels like a dream, I really do want it but I don't want to go back to my old foster family if my social worker doesn't approve I'll never get to see her again" I sighed.

"We won't let that happen alright. Victoria wants to adopt you and we will help her with that" Aaron smiled as he walked me back inside And back to Victoria's bed side.

"I'm sorry for running out like that. It just came to me as a shock. I would love for you to adopt me. If it is something you really want" I smiled. I watched Victoria's face light up.

Maybe my life will look up now, just maybe I'll be happy again.

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