018 | I Don't Want To Leave

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Charlotte's Pov

The next day I was back to school, I had PE first which I liked so I didn't mind but the rest of the day I wasn't looking forward to, as much as I want to I couldn't just stay in bed and nope around, Mum wouldn't allow that and neither would Liv, Aaron let Liv stay round last night only because I agreed that I'd be good and get ready for school. I got dressed into my black skater skirt and black tighter along with a white blouse and grey cardigan.

"I was expecting to have to wake you up and get you dressed" Liv teased as he walked into my room fully dressed, I frowned at her.

"I'm not that much of a child" I smirked as I walked up to Liv and pulled her into a unexpected hug.

"Thank you" I whispered as i hugged my girlfriend.

"For what?" Liv asked as she pulled away.

"For just being you, for being their for me and being able to make me smile when all I want to do is shout and scream and mostly for not letting me kill Kevin and Jane" I giggled since Liv knew how much i wanted them to be dead and out of my life for good.

"If you killed them then what would I do?, my girlfriend would be locked up and I'd miss her so much" Liv smiled as she kissed my cheek.

"I love you Olivia Flaherty" I smiled gazing into her eyes with a smile on my face.

"I love you to Charlotte Sugden" Liv smiled back at me. We both left my room and made our way downstairs and got some breakfast, I had a slice of toast while Liv had some cereal.

"I said you'd collect some glasses in the pub after school. So come straight their today please Charley" mum informed me and I immediately knew it was to keep me active and stop me from locking myself away.

"Okay, we will be off now, don't want to be late do we" I looked at Liv who had just washed her cereal bowl up. I gave mum a hug before leaving the house with Liv. We walked to the bus stop where Gabby and Ginny were stood.

"Where's Maddie?" Liv asked the two girls in front of us.

"She's not well so she's not coming in today" Ginny was the first one to speak.

"How are you feeling today Charley?" Gabby asked me in a soft voice, it was like she thought I'd break down if she spoke any louder.

"I'm fine, you can talk louder. I'm still the same Charley I've always have been" I reassured Gabby as I leant against the wooden bus stop.

"Good" Gabby grinned as the bus finally pulled up and we got on walking to the back off the bus where I pulled my phone from my pocket before I sat down. I decided to text Maddie to see how she's feeling

To Maddie👑💗

Ginny told us that your not feeling too well today. Hope you feel better Mads school won't be the same without you xx

From Maddie👑💗

Thanks Charley, how are you today? Xx

To Maddie👑💗

I'm great. Think school will take my mind off Kevin and Jane. I guess I'm only looking forward to PE but it will be better than moping around like I want to be xx

From Maddie👑💗

Keeping active is best xx

To Maddie👑💗

I know that's why mums got me collecting glasses in the pub later on, so much fun xx

From Maddie👑💗

Really does sound like it will be fun 😂xx

"Oi idiot were at school you coming or staying on the bus all day?" Liv asked me with a chuckle as she snapped me out of my thoughts while I texted Maddie.

"I think I'll stay on the bus all day, much more fun than going into school" I laughed a sarcastic response.

"Come on" Liv grabbed my hand and pulled me up and off the bus. We went into school and to PE where we got changed before anyone else. In PE i grabbed a hula-hoop for the warm up.

"I bet I can keep the hula-hoop up longer than you two" I grinned to Liv and Gabby. Ginny was in a different class to us but she was also doing PE.

"Your on" Gabby laughed as she picked up a blue hoop.

"I'll beat you both" Liv smirked as she picked up red hoop. It was on after PE I had Science with Ginny and luckily enough we were able to sit together.

"Today we're doing a mock test, you'll have the whole lesson, no talking. You have to treat this like a real exam" our science teacher announced holding a stack of papers she began handing them out. I looked towards Ginny who groans. The lesson went by and before we knew it it was break time. Our next lesson was English which I had with Liv and Gabby again.

"Today we are writing a journal about what happened in our previous week. I want it done day by day and finished by the end of the lesson" our English teacher announced and I sighed heavily, the one thing I didn't want to do at all. Their was a knock at the classroom door and in walked one of the office members.

"Could I have Charlotte Sugden please, and bring your things" the office woman smiled and I packed away looking toward Liv and Gabby with a confused look on my face. I followed the office woman back to the main reception and frowned when I saw Jane and Kevin.

"We've come to take you home. We've got permission" Kevin told me and I shook my head.

"I don't want to leave, especially with you" I turned away to head back into class but was stopped by Janes hand.

"Just give us a chance" she pleaded, I had to plan this I could go with them and run or I could go with them and not do anything. My choice was definitely going to be run.

"Fine" I mumbled walking out of the school gates with my aunt and uncle. We got to the car and they turned they back for less than a second before I bolted I'm the opposite direction. I was heading for the village where I'd be safe from the two psychopaths who are sadly my aunt and uncle.

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